Monday, November 27, 2023

The potluck


I got up around 8. I took supplements etc. I watered and turned the tower garden. I sent an invoice to Dzyne. I finalized some black friday deals and deleted those whose shipping was too much.

I went through more Black Friday sales, checking out shipping and other factors to see if they really were good deals. At noon I made and ate breakfast. Then I got ready for church. I wore pants and boots in case of snow. I pulled a container of seed crackers out of the fridge and saw that I had plenty of cheese squares left. So I grabbed that container too. Then I took my trombone and headed to the chapel.

The walkway was snowy, and icy in some spots. I went inside and put the containers down. Rick went home to get a shovel and salt for the walkway. I unpacked my trombone and talked to Jenni and the guys behind her. She said she had left a message on my phone about potluck this afternoon. (I had hoped no one remembered because with Friendsgiving and Thanksgiving, I have had enough cooking for other people).

Anyway, the chaplain gave his sermon, mostly about all the clues to show that the book of Acts was written by Luke. Then Saronna and Sophia and I played two Christmas hymns, and the service was over. I carried my food to the fellowship hall to join the others. I tried to get the last people to come, but they would rather talk in the sanctuary. So the rest of us ate while those eventually made their way back or left. We had a good time. Then everyone left while Jenni and I cleaned up.

I went home. Chris was not gaming, probably because Michele and John were making their way back home from Richmond. I mended the comforter and returned it to the company house. I went back to dealing with Black Friday offers. Chris pulled a beef roast from the oven and made mushrooms. I had some for supper, along with quinoa. Later I made a salad from the tower garden and store-bought greens. Chris packed for his trip.

I worked on my blog and heated tea. We watched Puss in Boots: the wish. Then he went to bed and I stayed up to check e-mail. When I went to bed, he was already asleep. I hoped I'd be asleep by the time he got up to go to the airport.

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