I got up at 8, I got ready for the day. I read some e-mail, then looked at hymns. I scanned two, cleaned up the copies, then printed them out. I made breakfast 2 hours early. Still, before I was done, Chris said it was time to go.
I put on jeans and a coat. I filled a water bottle. We got in the car and went to Michele's house. I thought they were both coming, but only Michele got in the car. Then we went out on the range to Granite Mountain. Michele wanted to find ancient shells. So we climbed and looked, but did not find any. She enjoyed asking her father to identify rocks and plants. I found a stone that looks like a giant thumb.
Then we drove by the testing tunnel. We also went to Camelback mountain, but didn't find much there either. So we headed back to English Village. We stopped at the commissary to get light bulbs for John. Then we took Michele home. Chris hooked up the washer and dryer with the new hoses. Not everything went according to plan. The appliances were larger than the planned space so we had to turn them wonky to be able to shut the doors.
Chris and I came home. I read e-mail and checked messages. The extension agent said he could come out on the Friday after Earth Day. I passed that info along. I looked for pics of worms from 2019. They seemed to be gone from my laptop and desktop. However, I found them in an e-mail I had sent to my brother. I watched an presentation on tapping. There was no actual tapping however. Then I finished watching a movie on homeopathic medicine.
I heated some beef in the toaster oven and ate it. Chris baked mushrooms. I jotted notes for my blog. Before 6, I went to the chapel. I got out the iron and a long extension cord. Saronna arrived and set her bass. Then the others arrived. So I put together my trombone and we played through the hymns, then Lord of the Dance, then Broadway tunes. We also tried When the Saints go Marching In, but didn't have a proper piano part.
I dismissed them at 8. As Saronna was packing up, I heated up an iron and used it to get wax off the carpet. Saronna was impressed with how well it worked. The paper towel soaked it right up. They left and I finished. I put everything away, and locked the chapel and went home.
I worked on my blog. I made tea. We watched an episode of Brokenwood. Chris went to bed. I stayed up a little later, but went to bed before 11.
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