We got up late. I made the usual fiber gel. I read some e-mail and messages, then got dressed for hiking. I packed almonds and water. Jack picked me up at 10. We went to Five Mile. We climbed the 10K trail but didn't go all the way. When we got to the top, we sat on rocks and ate our snack and admired the view. He is a wealth of knowledge on geology. Then we retraced our steps back to his truck.
He brought me home at 12:30. I watered the plants, then made and ate breakfast. I helped Chris with taxes by naming our donations to charity and each of my cleaning jobs.
I went to clean Keli's RV at 3 and finished at 4:30. I was so tired. I sat for a moment to check e-mail. Chris put beef in the toaster oven for me. Then we went to the Primo machine at the post office to fill two 5 gallon jugs.
When we got back, I ate supper. I read e-mail and messages and made tea. I posted to my blog. We watched one episode of Hamish McBeth. We read on our laptops. At 11, I started my bedtime routine. Chris came back to help me dress the bed. Then we turned in for the night. I didn't think I would be able to sleep because my legs hurt, but I did sleep, about the same as usual.
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