Friday, July 6, 2012


I started my day by watering the garden. Then I exercised while preparing breakfast. I read e-mail as I ate. Michele and friends were wondering what to do so I suggested going to Harmony Park Safari. It seemed farther out than I remembered from the map. But it was worth it. The animals put their noses in the car windows as we drove through, looking for food. Ashley bought a tub of food and we were instructed to through it out the window, but keep our hands inside. Some had horns, and all were hungry and curious. We also saw tortoises, lemurs, snakes, ostrichs, peacocks, a pig, alligators (fenced). Tip: don't take your 3-week old new car. Might get scratched, dented and graced with goat slobber. We went home and ate twice-baked potatoes for lunch. I picked a salad. While we were eating, the dining table legs broke. Michele grabbed some books to prop it up. My math books:(
Irv plugged his computer into the TV downstairs and we watched Tin Man through his Netflix account. Chris came home a little early. It looked like it was going to rain, and in fact it did rain on me a little while I was digging up a garlic for supper, but then it stopped. Chris made cheese burgers and asparagus and snow peas. I went to church with my trombone. I was meeting the organist, but she was late. It was almost 6:30. We played the one thing I brought and several things she had. Two guys showed up to practice some songs for Sunday. Then I left. When I got home, everyone was downstairs watching Warehouse 13. I had never heard of it, but it was interesting. And we all went to bed.

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