Sunday, July 1, 2012

Getting back into the groove after vacation

We got up early this morning, not sure why. Michele was already up and on her computer when we came out of the bedroom. They ate breakfast while I watered my garden. I read the latest e-mail, then got dressed for church. I put on my new earrings which seem a little large to me now. Still, it was too early to leave, so I did a few other small errands which I can't remember right at this moment. The three of us went to church. We saw Doris and I introduced her to Michele. When we got in the sanctuary, I introduced her to the organist who had previously asked to meet Michele. We sat on the other side of the church, which meant that we were first in line for communion. After church, I took a pic of the quilted altar cloth. It was lovely. I talked to the choir director about a piece of choral music that I forgot to bring. I picked up our July newsletter, and got the organists e-mail address. Then we went to Publix for groceries. There are three of us now so we got a lot. Especially coconut milk since I ran completely out. When we got home and carried the food in, both Michele and I had to take our shoes off before we could put the stuff away. Chris did laundry and then he and Michele made dark chocolate brownies. He also put chicken and chorizo in the oven. No one thought to eat lunch. By the time I thought of it, it was 4:30 so I made myself a cucumber salad. During the afternoon, I looked for the piece of music I promised to play, but couldn't find it. So I went on-line, and printed it out, but when I tried to play it, it wasn't the same. Michele and I sat at the piano and sang songs together for awhile. I found out Friday that a good friend of mine died and his wife asked if I had any pictures. So I looked everywhere I could think of, but mostly what I found were pictures of Michele. What a cute and photogenic child! I found one picture of Keith, but it is grainy and out of focus. When the chicken was done, we ate supper. I boiled water to make more kombucha tea. Then I went outside to 'commune with nature'. Chris alerted me when he was ready to watch TV. I quickly sprayed the weeds in the driveway, and planted new marigold seed (to replace those that died while we were away). Then I went inside where Chris was making the bed. Then we went downstairs to watch a Netflix movie called "Bed and Breakfast" with Dean Caine. He's still cute, but he's not Superman any more. After the movie, we fixed the scoby house. It has water in it now and we will see in the morning if it leaked overnight.

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