Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The evening of our second day

I woke up around 8, listened to audio in bed. I fixed and ate breakfast, then read e-mail until the lack of noise told me the kids had gone to the beach. I changed into my suit and went out. I swam with James and Becca. When the kids went to the pool, their parents went also. I stayed in the ocean to swim for awhile longer. Then I visited the pool, too. About 11:30 I went in to dry off and work more on one 16x16 Sudoku puzzle that is giving me fits. I took a break for lunch. I did more puzzle work for awhile. Olivia helped me make a loaf of cranberry bread. Around 2:30 I went out to lay in the hot sand, but then the sun went away. I ended up playing in the sand under the house. I was alone until Olivia found me. The sun came back out, but by then she would have followed me out to the beach if I had gone. After a while I went in. Chris and Michele went to the store for roasted chickens. I sat outside in the sun on the top porch so I could see my puzzle better. Then supper was ready. In addition to chicken, we had cauliflour, wild rice, tomatoes, and salad. For dessert, I had frozen fruit while the others ate ice cream. James and Becca went for a walk on the beach. I stayed behind because I was watching the latest TQS show on the internet. It was about ways to use stripes in a quilt. When I finished e-mail, i went up to see what everyone else was doing. Some had gone to bed, and the rest were watching the Olympics. I used my cell phone to call Charlie. He is going to mow our yard tomorrow and I wanted him to know that his tires dug up some of the grass last time. And he cut the grass near the fence too short with the weedwhacker and it died. After I talked to him, my phone was low so I looked for the recharging card, but I must have left it at home. Now that this post is done, it is time to turn in. Chris and I are getting up early to watch the sun rise over the beach.
* I took this pic of the cloud bank, but it doesn't do it justice. Note the kid with all the balloons on the boardwalk. Some sort of celebration? *

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