Sunday, March 31, 2013
Easter Sunday
Easter Saturday
I got up at 8:30, read e-mail and fixed breakfast. I warmed up on my trombone. I folded up my stand and put the horn in its case. The music went into the case as well. I carried it all out to the car and went to church for practice. Even thought I was right on time, the other players were already there and waiting on me for practice to begin. We played through the program and I wrote notes in my bulletin about when to be with the brass, when to be with the choir and when to sit with the congregation. It's a lot to remember. Susan found me a place to hide my trombone so I won't have to carry it in the morning. On the way home I stopped at Hobby Lobby to find beads in the shapes of things that God created in the first six days. Pickings were slim. Cathy called while I was there to talk about arrangements for Paducah. Then I resumed shopping. I bought a new jar for the kefir and a piece of green fabric that I think will go with the Veggie Tales quilt. When I got home, Chris had finished the laundry. I started a loaf of his bread in the bread machine. I read e-mail and listened to audios. I had sewing stuff to do, but could not find the gumption to do it. Or much else. It was a rainy day but I did not check the basement for leaks. I spent the rest of the day reading the Star Trek book. William called to tell me that he returned one laptop and bought a different one. Chris played with the voices. Michele was one of them, but I did not get to talk to her afterwards. When I finally tore myself away from the book, it was past time for bed, especially considering that I have to get up early in the morning to play for the early service (but not the sunrise service, whew!)
Friday, March 29, 2013
Good Friday
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Quiet Day
* This is Cheryl's quilt, sort of. She and another lady took the same class and they didn't like how their quilts turned out so they traded. Pic was taken Monday *
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Name that tag
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Can you tell where it broke?
I did not want to get out of bed this morning. I contemplated going back to sleep, but the big machine was back today. It is trimming trees along the power lines and crunching up the branches. Not something you can sleep through. So I went through my complete morning routine, including tapping, exercising, practicing, e-mail and breakfast. By then it was almost time for lunch. I watched it snow. Did not last long, but I could see the thermometer drop as the flakes fell. I soaked my black pants in a bucket of water to get the dried soap streaks out of it. Must have happened in the washer, but I don't know how. I wrapped my honey bottle in a heating pad on high to decrystallize the hard stuff on the bottom. I decanted the brewing kombucha into jars and put them in the cupboard. I thought about starting a new batch but it didn't happen. I listened to two audios while replacing the patched globe, and sewing. I embroidered my name on a purple rectangle to test spray glue as a way to make a stick-on quilt label. I stuck it to wax paper after I sprayed it. Then I drew diagonal lines through all the little white squares that I cut yesterday. I even cut 4 more large green ones and mixed up the stacks so they are ready to sew. Then I peeled off the purple label to stick it to other fabric and it did not stick. So plan B is to use fusible. I fused a piece of Heat-n-Bond to the back. Then I needed to make a small test quilt to iron it to. That can be my name tag for guild meetings. I've only been a member for a year now. It's about time I made a name tag. But then the battery on my laptop ran out, so I brought it upstairs to recharge. Chris came home from work and made a burrito. I picked some turnip leaves and made a big salad. I wrung out the pants and hung them up to dry. I think the soap streaks are gone, but won't be sure until they're dry. I read e-mail while Chris played a computer game. Then we watched three episodes of Eureka. He went to bed. I rescued my bottle of honey which was all nice and runny inside. And now I'm about to go to bed.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Cold day in Alabama
* This is Debbie's quilt *
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Fermented Lemonade
Saturday, March 23, 2013
But Honey, I saved you so much money...
I had toyed with thoughts of getting up early for the church workday, which was only from 8 to 12. It was after nine when I got up, so I scrapped that idea. I wanted to work on my quilt labels. Ironically I spent most of the morning and afternoon on my laptop reading e-mails, listening to audios and tapping. I did get in some practice time. Chris did laundry and defrosted a roast for supper. I pulled up two garlics to go with it. He sliced them up along with all the leaves, and spread the bits on top. I tried my fermented lemonade, but I am not sure it is fermented. It tastes just like lemonade. I did work on the remaining two embroidered labels. I ran into trouble with the first one. For some reason it just wouldn't finish the job. I took the machine apart several times and turned it upside down and shook it. Not easy to do since the machine is heavy, but the needle broke and I think I can hear the tip rolling around inside. Finally, after nothing discernible happened, it worked. It finished that one, and had no problems with the second one. Then I brought the labels upstairs so I could trim all the jump stitches while listening to another audio. But the light wasn't bright enough. And that was because three of the five bulbs were burnt out. So I unscrewed them, which was tricky because I could barely reach the swinging thing and the globes would not come off until after the bulb was removed. Then I realized that we only had two new bulbs left. I washed the three globes, and replaced two bulbs. The third globe was cracked and it only got worse when I handled it. I trimmed jump stitches while Chris played with the voices. When the game was over, I Skyped Michele. She seems to be doing ok, and her roommate has returned.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Project Linus
* This is a newly arrived Linus quilt *
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Raffle Quilt
More star blocks
* These are the blocks I made Monday *
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Fermenting lemonade
I got up early, sometime after 7. I did all the usual things, like exercise, read e-mail, blah, blah, blah. But somehow I did not get breakfast until noon. It might have had something to do with rebooting my laptop. I did it 'cause Firefox was having problems, but rebooting didn't help so the problem is not on my end. AND, it closed all of my open windows and DID NOT give me the option of recovering them when I reopened Firefox. I had a few choice words for whomever was responsible. I spent some time sweeping off the deck and patio barefoot. It was a beautiful, warm sunny day and I just needed an excuse to go outside. Sadly I was told yesterday that a cold front will go through tonight and temps will drop below freezing. Really? Hard to believe. Anyway, because I liked my green blocks so much, I decided to keep them and make another one for donation. A purple one this time. I took a pic of it and tried to load it to Facebook, but it just wouldn't go. I heard Chris come home so I went upstairs. I folded laundry while he rescued the latest loaf of bread from the bread machine. He read e-mail but did not eat because he had to meet some people from work at a restaurant later. I picked some greens from the yard and made a smoothie. After Chris left, I got out the citrus juicer. I have never used it before, so I washed the parts before starting. I washed some lemons, too. I researched fermented lemonade. All the recipes called for whey, which I don't have. I thought of using a scoby, but no one has, or least if they did, they didn't live to blog about it. So I used a packet of kefir starter. I put it in a jar with warm filtered water and the juice of 5 lemons. Oh, and a half cup of organic sugar. Now we wait for 2 days. I also gave me fermented coconut milk a new jar so I could wash the old one. Then I realized that I never finished the tapping videos (since Firefox had trouble playing them). So I did that, until Chris came home. I went down to make some more star blocks, and Chris came down when he was ready to watch TV. We only saw one episode before he had to turn in.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Mirna's quilt top
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Beautiful day for the walls of Jericho to come down
We woke up before the alarm went off. I kept thinking it would go off any minute and when it did, both of our phones rang. So we were up. I fixed breakfast, checked e-mail and took a shower. I was a little late getting out the door for church. But it was a beautiful day. The magnolia trees were in bloom. When I got to church, I played the alto part of the choir piece on the piano. Soon we gathered for Sunday School. I actually had 4 girls today, and they seemed to like the origami inflatable boxes. They preferred to make their trumpets out of paper towel tubes and wax paper rather than the posterboard. I did not have much wax paper, and I did not realize that there is a shelf life for rubber bands. Many of the ones I brought were brittle. I've had them since we lived in Augusta. But the papertowel tubes made more effective trumpets. After the kids went on to their next center, I was able to talk to Linda and Jennifer about the funeral. I thought if I had gone I would have learned a lot about Brenda, but they both said that no information was given. The family was unable to do a eulogy. But Linda brought me an extra bulletin from the funeral. She also brought in the one child who hadn't done their handprint for the quilt. That was remedied quickly. The choir practiced for a few minutes. Then the substitute organist asked me if I would be willing to play a solo with her sometime. I would like that, if she gets hired to replace Brenda. I joined Chris in our normal pew for the service. Afterwards we went home, then to the grocery store. We ate lunch and read e-mail. Chris did several loads of laundry. I put the baby quilt in one of them. I emptied the reservoir and cleaned the filter on the vacuum. I swept one on the silk rugs at length. When the baby quilt came out of the washing machine, I pinned it to the rug to block it. I opened a window and turned the fan on low. Chris kept interrupting me so I did the only thing that would stop him. Later, it was time for supper. I picked some oxalis, violets, chickweed and clover for a green smoothie. I cooked up some liver with onions and garlic, and some quinoa. The onions were sooo good I could have eaten them all. But I saved some, along with the liver broth for cooking the rest of the fermented soybean pattie. The liver was good, too. After clearing more e-mail, I made and ate a large salad. Chris peeled an orange and brought me half. I precticed my trombone and I watched two episodes of TQS, which are all free until midnight, but I'm not staying up just for that. Then we watched several episodes of Eureka before bedtime. Chris changed a lightbulb in the bedroom. I guess he wanted to read for a bit before going to sleep.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Jen's Wedding
It felt like we slept in a long time, but it was around 9 that we got up. I checked e-mail and had breakfast. Then I put on a video about the problems with water (and the control) of water around the world. I finished the green binding on the quilt, but it was after 12 when I finished. Chris indicated that he wanted to leave for the wedding at 1. I did not have time to get ready and made a label for the quilt. So I took a shower and put on a dress. Then I found a roll of wedding paper and a box. I looked in the hall closet for tissue paper. Not only did I find tissue paper, but also the bag of 5 DVD's that I bought for Chris' birthday last year and subsequently lost. I decided to give them to him immediately. I wrapped the quilt in paper, put it in the box, and wrapped the box. There wasn't time to find a bow. But I did find an all-purpose "Thinking of You" card to use for the gift. Chris signed it and taped it to the box. Then I put on my white flats because the only heels I could find were black ones. We left about 20 after 1. Using the GPS, we arrived early. They picked the lodge at Guntersville state park for their wedding and reception. As it turns out, they weren't the only ones. We found ourselves ushered into a room with round tables. Chris took the gift over to the gift table while I signed the guest book. Chris helped me delete pics from my camera to make room for more. While I was photographing the cupcake display, he struck up a conversation with a couple at the table, discovering that we were with the wrong party. We collected our gift and looked elsewhere. I wonder what they'll think when they see our names in their guest book? Anyway, down the hall we found another room with tables. This was the right room. But there was no one in it, so we went looking for other guests. We found the on the next floor down. White chairs were set up on the terrace. We waited inside to be seated. Then we waited outside for the wedding to begin. It was a lovely day, but a bit windy. The service was fairly short (less than 15 minutes). The maid of honor had to pull the bride's veil off because of the wind and a wasp that got caught in it. After the ceremony we went to the reception room with the others. There were platters of fresh fruit and vegetables to snack on while the pictures were being taken. There was a photo of the happy couple inside of a large blank matting. That was the place for us to sign our names and well wishes. There was a basket beside the photo of seed packets for wildflowers. Each table had a list of names and we found ours, with other people Chris works with. There was no shortage of good conversation. The bridal party arrived and was announced. A toast was made and then we all waited while the serving table was loaded. They went first, and then the rest of us followed, buffet style. Later they played music. The bridal couple had the first dance, and then it was hard to get anyone else to dance. The story I heard was that the bride wanted to wait until people danced before she cut the cake 'cause that's when people leave. We took our turn. Then the music got hipper. Gagnam Style really bought out the younger generation. But we showed 'em how it was done later when they played something from the 70's. We talked to Rod out on the terrace. What a view! We came in when it started to get dark. We said our goodbyes. Then went out to the car. It was about an hour's ride home. We had to check our e-mail, but then we watched several episodes of Eureka before going to bed.
Friday, March 15, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Going in circles on Pi day
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Another funeral coming
When I got home, Chris was on his laptop. I found my choir folder in my Sunday School bag. Then we watched several episodes of Eureka before bed.
* These are the blocks I demonstrated last night *
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
He fixed it!
Monday, March 11, 2013
Monday morning I woke up at 8:30. It was rainy (what is the point of DST if the sun isn't shining?). I did not feel good. I really toyed with the idea of not going to Monday quilting. I read e-mail, did some tapping and practiced a little bit. I did not want to take out my machine in the rain, so I put some fleece strips in a bag with a large crochet hook and went. Very few ladies came since the others were at a retreat. I had forgotten about that. None of the rest of the ladies brought their machines either. I crocheted and listened to them talk. About 1:30 I left so I could be home when Chris arrived. But when I pulled in, I could see wet wheel marks in his space. I figured he had gone grocery shopping. I fixed breakfast and he arrived before I finished. He put the food away. We both spent time with our laptops and then with each other. We took a nap. When we got up, it was supper time. I fixed a large salad and he made hamburgers. After my salad I was too full for a hamburger, but I ate one later. I switched the receiver in the bedroom for the one in the living room because the headphone jack worked better. Cleaning did not help. But the plug on the CD player was polarized and would not fit in the back of the receiver. So I went through the boxes in the basement allotted to electronics that William bought me. There was a Denon receiver in there. I needed Chris to pull it out of the box. I hooked it up and it played through both sides of the headphones. Yea! Then I used the box of nails to more firmly attach two pieces of wood that hold a drawer front to the cabinet where the stove top is. About 8:30 or nine we went down to watch home-recorded VCR episodes of Star Trek TOS. At ten we came up to get ready for bed.
* Here is a pic inside of my greenhouse. That tall plant is a turnip. *
Saturday, March 9, 2013
How long does it take to play a 1-hour CD?
Friday, March 8, 2013
For some reason I woke up at 6:40. So I read e-mail and took that special Vit C. I was listening to an audio and had a hard time concentrating on it. So I took the laptop to the bedroom so I could lay down and concentrate. I think I dozed off for a bit. When it was over, I plugged it back in in the diningroom. I did my exercises, my tapping, and cleared more e-mail. I had some beef tongue about 10 and breakfast at 11. The mailman came by with another box. But, like yesterday, it was for Chris. Where is my book? I worked on the quilt for awhile, then spent an hour outside raking up leaves and pinecones. I made a glass of cilantro water, and had some cheese. I took a shower and dressed in black. I left about 3:15. There was bad traffic in front of the high school, but it did not delay me too much. When I got to the church, hardly anyone was there. I left my phone in the car. I greeted Shannon, then sat in the sanctuary to wait. I got a program which reminded me which song the choir was going to sing. I looked it up in the hymnal and practiced it in my head. More people came, some of them choir members. The choir director came by with enlarged copies of the hymn. The service started late. I heard two phones ring. It was a full Sunday-type service, with eulogies added. I nearly cried several time. Thank goodness I had extra tissues. I only knew the deceased as the man who sat in our pew. But I learned a lot from the eulogies and took notes. I was thinking of embroidering pillow top or something. After the service there was a reception. First I spoke to the pastor's wife about her upcoming medical procedure. It is a three-day process where they cut something in her ear, and then injected medications. It is for vertigo. She says the medications can cause dizziness. I wondered how they could tell. Then I spoke to Shannon at length. Then I spent time at the picture table, seeing what their fondest memories were. Some pictures were reprinted in the programs so I did not take pictures of the picture table. Google says it is not nice to take pictures at a funeral. After the reception, I went home, changed my clothes and made a large salad. I checked the latest e-mail. Chris called to talk before he went to bed. He did not win all the tournament rounds today playing feudal French. Tomorrow he is playing a Vlad the Impaler army in team tournaments. I needed a break, so I watched 2 episodes of Castle through the ABC network online. Then I got an e-mail that Michele wanted a particular rice pudding recipe. So I typed it up and sent it to her. Now I am ready for bed.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
What not to say at a funeral
* Yesterday's fish "
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Searching for videos
* Here is a pic of the stack-n-whack with borders *
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
The indestructable wall of Jericho
I slept in until 9. It was a usual morning, except that I put a card and a check in the mail. The mailperson delivered a box, which had my order of lypo-spheric vitamin C. I took a tongue out of the freezer to thaw. I wanted to spend time outside raking, but it was rainy. The next best thing was to stand just outside the door and breathe deeply. I did a lot of tapping on grief for Shannon whose father died on Sunday. I got no sewing done. I did do a few Sudoku puzzles while listening to an audio. I scheduled a consultation with the dentist recommended to me yesterday. I hope it will go well since I just want to be mercury-free, not start a new career interviewing dentists. I researched more effects of mercury toxicity. I came across this statement ...if they have as few as 4 amalgam fillings present in their mouth, the average person's saliva is so high in mercury they cannot legally spit into the toilet. Their saliva exceeds the EPA maximum legal municipal discharge standard for mercury..--David Kennedy D.D.S. When Chris came home, I told him about it and he said there is an exemption for household use. Still not reassuring. He hadn't had lunch, so he fixed himself a burrito while I made myself a salad. He whipped up a cruet of salad dressing for me. It'll have to last until Monday. When he was ready, we went down to watch TV. He hadn't gone by the library to get the next season of Eureka. So we had to choose from our collection. I enjoy a new movie over one that I have already seen. And I'd seen all of our movies. So, we watched Star Trek episodes on vcr tapes. Sure I have seen them before, but it has been a long time. Then he went to bed. I reminded him of the time change this weekend and that he uses his phone as an alarm. Since he won't be here, he programmed my phone to ring then. I hope I hear it.
* This is the wall that the kids could not knock down by blowing their 'trumpets'. *
Monday, March 4, 2013
Carolyn's Quilt
* Carolyn showed off her completed quilt *
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Looks like a muppet
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Trumpet for Sunday School
Friday, March 1, 2013
Origami for the week
* Here is a tee-pee and a box with lid and divider. *
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