Friday, March 15, 2013


I think it was almost 9 when I got up. I did not want to get out of bed. I checked e-mail, exercised, practiced my trombone and tapped. I did a lot of tapping. About the funeral. In the end, I did not go. But I said prayers for those who did. I got out the package of liver to defrost. I cut up an onion and browned it in sesame oil in a glass pot. Then I added some leftover broth, some garlic from the yard, and some cheongukong. It was supposed to smell terrible, but it did not, so I wondered if I did it wrong. I e-mailed Hyon. I watched an episode of TQS outside in the sunshine. Today's green smoothie consisted of wild violets, dandelion and chickweed. Then I went into the basement to find a new binding for the double wedding ring. The wedding is tomorrow and there isn't time to remove the existing binding. so I decided to bind over it. This makes a wider binding and I like it. But the corners are tricky. Chris came home and made himself a burrito. I made my usual large salad. I listened to an audio on Feldenkrais method. It is a way of healing the brain through movement. I returned to working on the binding. Chris finally pulled himself away from his computer game and we watched 2 episodes of Eureka before going to bed.

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