Tuesday, March 12, 2013

He fixed it!

I slept in later than I expected. I kept to the normal routine, including exercise, e-mail, tapping and practicing. i put a card in the mail. I took a shower and ate lunch. I went downstairs to sew what I had pinned on the baby quilt so that I could remove the pins for show-and-tell later. I also sewed a button on Chris' shirt. Then I got out some double pinwheel blocks from years ago. They were made for a block swap but came out too small. I determined that the strips should have been cut at 3 3/4 inches instead of 3 1/2. Then I sorted through my stash to find those same three fabrics. I only found two but was able to match the third one remarkably well. I cut the strips and went through the process, leaving each step unfinished to show the group how the process goes. I packed it all up for later. Then it was time to leave for the dentist. I figured 20 minutes was enough but did not count on after-school traffic. The receptionist gave me a paper to fill out. It asked for some information that I did not have. She had assured me earlier by phone that I did not need to bring any info other than my usual. After a bit of a wait, I was taken to a small room to consult with the dentist. I had my list of questions. She answered them all. She did not share my opinion that mercury in the mouth is a dangerous thing, but she has the equipment and protocols to remove it safely. So when we were done, I scheduled an appointment. It will be in April with another dentist. Huh? They said they would call my last dentist to get the x-rays she took. I filled out a permission form in case she showed any reluctance. After I left the dental building, I stopped by the nearby Korean grocery for a large jar of kimchi. They had some with store labels, but I asked for handmade with no MSG. And that is what they sold me. I took it home and tasted it. It was too fresh and needed to ferment, so I let it sit on the counter. I went out side to rake and mow the lawn. I did not get far with mowing because the battery was low. I came in to check my e-mails and Chris came home, carrying the Netflix movie and some Eureka DVDs from the library. Then I realized it was time to leave for guild meeting. I grabbed the baby quilt and the demo materials before I left. I arrived on time. We waited for a bit in case anyone else showed up. Nine people attended, I think. Anyway, the meeting commenced with old business and new business ( a color challenge and blocks for charity). We did show-and-tell and the demo. Now they want written instructions so they can post it on the website. After leaving the meeting, I stopped by another Korean grocery for natto, but they did not have the one I usually get which has no MSG. So I bought chungbukung instead. Tastes terrible unless you cook it. It is a fermented soybean product but doesn't cooking destroy all the probiotics? I also bought some kimbap. When I got home, Chris proudly announced that he had fixed my laptop so that it would connect to the internet without the D-Link. Turns out one of the internal components was not fully connected. Hurray! I was always concerned that it might get damaged, but now I don't need it. Isn't he a wonderful husband? Chris packed a care package for Michele. Must be a good father, too. I ate some kimbap and then we watched several episodes of Eureka. He went to bed and I am looking for a proper pic to post.

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