Monday, March 25, 2013

Cold day in Alabama

Although I had time for a condensed version of my morning routine, very little of it got done. No exercise, and no tapping. I read e-mail, had breakfast and called my parents. Chris said there'd be bad weather, but they had it last night in the form of snow. We did not have snow but it was very cold today. Isn't it spring? My calendar says yes, but the thermometer says no. I packed green fabrics in my sewing box and some seaweed for lunch. I arrived at the church close to 11. I busied myself with cutting 5 inch squares of fabric. When I finished the fabrics that I brought, I went through the stash at church, cutting 2 squares from each one I found. Then I cut white squares for the stars. Mirna laid out a woven ribbons quilt, and Lauri finished her pastel sampler top. Bertha did not finish her project because she left for the dentist right in the middle. Carolyn talked about her impending knee surgery tomorrow. At 4 I packed up to come home. It wasn't any warmer. I brought my stuff inside the house, and had some kimchi and beef. I folded the laundry. I started the tapping. Chris came home around 5. He made his supper and I had a large salad, and some liver. I glued in the pieces that fell out of the chandelier globe. I folded a bunny and a chick. Neither is particularly recognizable. I did an internet search for a craft to go with the creation story. I made a list of ideas in an e-mail to myself. When Chris was ready, we went down to watch 2 episodes of Eureka. The second one was their Christmas special. It seemed fitting what with the cold weather we are having. It isn't snowing now, but it could.
* This is Debbie's quilt *

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