Friday, March 1, 2013

Origami for the week

I spent the day with my laptop. First it was e-mail, then tapping videos, then internet searches. I looked for a mercury-free dentist and I looked up people in my address book. I did not find any of them on Facebook. I took breaks to exercise, eat breakfast, and practice my trombone. Playing my trombone made my face hurt. That has never happened before. Hmm. I put together an order for the Dixon farm for pick-up tomorrow. I cut some pieces of brownish green batik to audition as new centers for my orange blocks. I decided to go with it. I took the blocks and my laptop downstairs to made the switch. But instead, I found myself trying to decide on a border for the green and yellow stack-n-whack. I also cut paper squares for sunday school. Chris came down to watch Eureka, so we did that until bedtime. He said he saw snow flurries on the way home, so we might wake up to a wintery scene.
* Here is a tee-pee and a box with lid and divider. *

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