Sunday, June 29, 2014


My phone alarm went off at 8, but we did not get up until his phone alarm went off at 9. I made breakfast and checked e-mail, and listened to part of an audio. Then I paused it while I took a shower and got dressed for church. We left about 10:25. I talked to Dawn and Cecelia before the service. They both offered their condolences. I thought I was past crying in public, but somehow their concern brought it back up. Joanie, our intern, conducted the service by herself since our pastor was out of town. She spoke about Peter and Paul since today is the day set aside to honor Peter and Paul. After the service, I talked to Jennifer who is getting her American citizenship tomorrow. Also, Mary wants me to play something patriotic on my trombone next Sunday. On the way home, we stopped at Barnes and Noble for Chris to buy some movies with a birthday gift card from Faye. After changing clothes at home, we went to the grocery store. It was raining when we went in, but had stopped by the time we got out. It was just enough rain to keep me from mowing the lawn. I picked up two new apples under the tree. There were lots more, but each one had been bitten into by a rabbit or a bird. After unpacking the groceries, we went downstairs to watch one episode of X-Files and the movie Avatar, the uncut version with 16 extra minutes of footage. My dad called early on and we spoke about putting an obituary in his local paper. After watching tv, we went for a walk. I was surprised how hard it was. Of course it was uphill, but still. When we got back, we went to our respective laptops. I finished my audio from this morning and listened to another one, looking at images from Pinterest. I made a loaf of bread in the bread machine. I watched a few tapping videos on Youtube and I lasered my finger joint. The bread in the machine smelled like it was burning so I wondered if it was making toast. There was no visual evidence of burning. When the bread was finished, Chris took it out of the machine and put it in the refrigerator to cool until morning.
*  I didn't take any pics today, so here is one from Paducah  *

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