Monday, June 30, 2014


I got up at 7:45, had a drink of water and went back to bed until 8. I read e-mail for awhile, then put on an audio to exercise, drybrush and rebound. I juiced and made breakfast. I packed a lunch (cheese and seaweed and a nectarine).  I ate a sweet potato sprout.  I picked out a fat quarter and cut another one for a gift basket at quilting. I packed up and headed into the garage to open the door and realized that it was raining hard. So I went back upstairs to get an umbrella. I put out some tubs to collect water. I moved my sewing stuff to the car and shut the garage door. When I got to the church, the rain was over. I took my stuff inside and set up at a back table. It was nice to see a few ladies that I hadn't seen in a while. First I worked on Barbara's quilt, stitching by hand even after the eye of the needle went through my thumb nail. Roberta joined me for half an hour. Then I took a break to eat my lunch. Dinah wanted to take the quilt home and work on it this week, so I helped her fold it up. Then I worked on the cross project, which I have decided is not turning out well enough for the cross wall at church. So I will make another one, but using applique this time. About 4, I packed up and came home. Chris wasn't home yet. I brought in the mail. I finished breakfast and ate the last piece of fish. I picked up two apples and was slicing into one, when Jennifer called. She had a bad experience in Atlanta and I tapped for her. Chris came home during her call. After she hung up, I folded two baskets of laundry and put mine away. I ate supper and went outside. I set up tomato cages by the tomato plants in the compost and the ones in the flower bed. I dug up weeds growing in the driveway. I raked the debris away. I had to dust myself off and come in. Chris was almost ready to watch TV. The movie Gravity had come from Netflix. I had heard it was a good movie, but I did not really like it. The dialogue did not sound natural and parts of it were really slow or too low to hear. It wasn't even 10 yet when the movie ended. I read more e-mail and then wrote my blog post. I finished listening to the interview with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt on Lyme disease. He said he tells his patients that they must get rid of electrosmog and mold in their homes before any treatment will work. He says electrosmog helps mold grow faster.  Most Lyme patients have mycotoxins.  Then I published my blog post and went to bed.
*  This is a scrap quilt that Alice made.  Isn't it lovely?  *

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