Sunday, June 1, 2014


Last night before I went to bed, I transferred the sim card from the new phone to the old phone and turned on the alarm. It was working perfectly. Later I realized that I could set the alarm on my new phone to ring on Sunday morning if I did it every Saturday night. I slept well, and had no trouble getting up, It was not quite 7 so I had plenty of time to read e-mail and get ready for church. I wore red as a warmup for next week which is 'red' Sunday. I got to church about 9:20. Jennifer brought me some items from Turkey (where she went on her trip): a wooden spoon, an embroidered handtowel, plastic clothespins and a beautiful scarf with a Turkish design. Because both our pastor and intern we absent today, she filled in as lay leader beside the guest pastor. Jennifer sat with me during the sermon. He preached about feeding God's sheep, which fit in with his job in famine and disaster relief. After church I went home to change clothes. I did the shopping and put the groceries away. I read some e-mail while I ate the last of my breakfast. Then I loaded my sewing supplies in the car and drove to the church where Renegades meets. Bertha noticed that I was distracted so I told her my story. They all agreed that Chris' demise would be justifiable homicide. One lady offered to help me plan it, but another said their job was to be my alibi. We made flag quilts out of red, white and blue strips. The tops also needed borders, which some people had time to do (because they did not go to church). I brought mine home to border and to make a backing for. I can return it completed next month. 
I was home before 4:30. I put my sewing supplies in the basement, leaving the green unbound quilt on the pingpong table for trimming later. I folded the laundry while waiting for the Freecycle lady to show up. Then I closed all the windows and turned on the AC. I prefer to have open windows, but my fermented foods are fermenting too fast. I ironed a piece of fabric that was in the laundry. I went outside to check out the garden and the pea plants. I found a few pods to eat. I also collected dandelion, oxalis, kale, and plantain. I was reading e-mail when the doorbell rang. I greeted the Freecycle lady and took her to the carport where the irises were. She held a garbage bag while I loaded it. I also pulled up a garlic stalk for her. She seemed excited, but neither her husband or daughters were interested. After she left, I went back to the computer to listen to another video on cancer, this one on treatments doctors would choose for themselves. I paused it to make a veggie smoothie with the weeds, sprouts, broccoli, fiber, and salt. It was not too bad, but very filling as usual. I finished the video. I got too cold, so I turned off the AC even though the temp was 80. I checked for e-mails from Chris and tapped. He was at work (even though it was the weekend over there) but offered to come home and skype with me. I accepted. We had a good talk and then he went back to work. I posted to my blog and then probably went to bed.


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