Saturday, June 28, 2014


I don't know when we got up because my phone alarm did not ring. I forgot that it has to be set on Friday night for Saturday and ditto for Sunday. It was a usual morning after that, with e-mail, exercises, and a video. The video was a presentation about a man who went on a high-fat, low carb diet for 30 days. He checked in with a doctor every week. He reduced his blood pressure, and BMI, and lost weight. He felt better. His doctor was amazed. When the video was over, I went outside to lay in the sun. The sun went behind a cloud. I juiced sprouts, celery, and cucumbers. I drank it and went outside to lay in the sun. The sun went behind a cloud. I ran the pulp through the handcrank juicer and drank that. I cleaned up the two juicers, then went outside to … well you can guess what happened. I made breakfast and ate most of it. It is so convenient to save some for later and add fiber and coconut oil to it. I mowed the lawn in the front by the pine trees. The grass is so thick there that I could only mow half a row at a time. Then I mowed less dense vegetation in the back yard. I plugged in the mower and came in. I worked a pencil puzzle. I researched Lyme disease treatments. I sprinkled diatomaceous earth on the patch of ground where I sunbathe in hopes of discouraging ants. I pulled some weeds. I came in again and thinly sliced the green apples to get all the rotten spots out. I fed some to Chris as he gamed with the voices. At 7:30 I went back out to mow. I finished the hard-to-mow patch and recharged the mower. Then I pulled weeds growing in the cracks of the sidewalk and driveway. It was dark when I came in. I worked some more puzzles while Chris games, and then we skyped Michele until after 11. Now I can think of going to sleep. Chris washed the sheets and made the bed.

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