Sunday, January 15, 2023

Getting the car to town


I got up before 8. Chris was already gone, driving to Tooele to the car dealership. I brushed and swished. I watered the plants. Chris texted that his car had overheated going into the pass and he had called a tow truck. He asked if I could bring a heavy coat and gloves. So I put that in the car and also my CD player with extra batteries. I worked on the grocery list and packed the cooler. I turned the car on and scraped the ice from my windshield. Finally I headed out.

I drove to the pass and entered it, not seeing Chris. But as I got close to the middle, I caught sight of a tow truck with a white Chevy on top. I pulled off at the top parking lot to start my CD player, but discovered that the cord to the console was missing. Sigh. I pulled back on the road, and followed the tow truck into Tooele.

I waved at Chris as I passed the tow truck, then pulled into the Luckey's parking lot. I was half an hour early for the appointment. So I shopped at Luckey's, put the groceries in the car, then went to the GPS store. I had to wait in line, then told the lady what I wanted. She got her stamp and we went to a table where she watched me sign and then she signed. She got witnesses to sign. Then she gave me a packet with a plastic envelop on it to hold the Fedex label. I paid her the $20 and went to Luckey's to drop it off at their customer service desk.

I shopped at Melanies. They did not have the 5 gallon coconut oil. But I found other things to buy. Chris was at the dealership and had no word on his car. So then I went to Macey's, then to the dollar store. I shopped like a woman, taking my time to look at whatever caught my eye. I got a cord for my CD player.

I called Chris and he said come pick him up. So I drove to the dealership. He wanted me to come in to meet a family from Tonga, which is one of the nations that Marie is ambassador to. They were very impressed with him. I spoke with them, making small talk about weather and gardening. Then we left and Chris drove us home. I plugged in the CD player and we listened to old music all the way.

We went home and unloaded groceries. I put them away while Chris took my car to get gas, go to the commissary, and to the office for his sit-rep. When he got back, I had eaten breakfast and was listening to someone who published content on

After little while, I took the car to go feed the cats. I also dropped some cleaning supplies at the new apartment so I can walk there while Chris is at work. I went to the garden to look for a terracotta pot, but did not find one. When I got back, I combed through e-mail and listened to podcasts. I fell asleep while Chris cooked two steaks. When I woke up, I tried them both and one was much better than the other. I think the one was freezer-burnt.

I kept reading e-mail. Michelle texted with me from the gym. I worked on my blog. I ordered sheets and towels from MyPillow. I had a hard time finding the size tag on the guest bed mattress.

I heated tea and we watched several episodes of Jeannie. I fell asleep on the couch. Later, I woke up and headed to my laptop to check a few last messages and go to bed. But sleep was hard to get.

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