Friday, January 6, 2023

The Reber Genealogy


I got up before 8. I drank hydrogen water, then brushed and swished. I looked at fleece scarf videos. I wanted something with at least a little bit of sewing, but only one layer. Nope.

I made a sample and posted it to the Dugway page to advertise the class. Then I read e-mail for a bit. Michelle called. She was cleaning the chaplain's house. I called Housing to find out when the mold inspection for my house was and he said between 1 and 2.

I made and ate breakfast while watching The Highwire. I paused it when the doorbell rang. The inspector looked under the sinks and in the tubs, but found no mold. He had a list of questions he had to ask. One was do we have a basement? I said no but the gophers are working on it.

I watched a little more of The Highwire, then went to the Housing office to sign the paperwork to transfer the chaplain's house to me. But no one had the keys. I went up the hill. No one was at the chaplain's house so I went to the colonel's house and fed the cats. I walked through the chaplain's house and noticed the oven cleaning cycle was on. I looked through cabinets and drawers to see if anything got missed, like the spices in the kitchen.

I went home, stopping at the post office, and then called Michelle. She had gone home. Then Mickie called me about the swap shop. Then I went to the gym to walk with Diane and Michelle. Afterward, I went home for ammonia, then to the chaplain's house. I filled the tubs with hot water and poured in the stuff. I shut the doors and started cleaning the kitchen. Michelle showed up and cleaned with me. And we talked.

Finally I went home. Chris heated up some soup for me. He showed me a geneology chart that the LDS church printed for him today on some tour he took. He also had a Damour chart, but it was missing a lot of names. I opened the package from the mail, it was another foot pedal. I tested it to make sure it works.

Then I listened to the rest of The Highwire. Michael Yon talked about the coming famine. Faye chatted by Facebook. I worked on my blog post.

I made tea, covered my car, we watched the last episode of Ancient Apocalypse where he posits the theory that near the end of the last ice age, the Earth was hit by a series of debris from a comet and that produced great floods and ash. An advanced society here was destroyed. Then we watched an episode of Wednesday. That was better than I thought. I stayed up to finish The Highwire and Chris went to bed.

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