Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Preparing for inspection


I got up about 8:30. After the usual 4 things, I listened to part of a podcast. I took a series of supplements for detoxification. Then I went up the hill to feed the colonel's cats. I checked on the chaplain's front door and it seemed stable.

Then I met Jamie at the not-so-dirty house. I mopped while she cleaned the garage and picked trash out of the yard. Then she left for my house. I finished mopping and followed her. At my house, she unloaded some white boards that the man left behind. Kind of like melamine shelving. Then she took the rest to the swap shop. I made and ate breakfast. I read e-mail for a little bit and all of a sudden it was 2pm. I grabbed my trombone and headed to Saronna's house. She and I talked mostly, and played a jazzy version of When the Saints go Marching In. Then her timer rang for picking the kids up from school. I went to the not-so-dirty house and got my mop. I found a few spots to scrub and soon I had to leave for the gym.

When I got there, Michelle and Diane were already walking the upstairs track. I ran up to join them. We walked until Diane had to go back to work, then Michelle and I walked some more. Finally I quit to meet Jamie at the chaplain's house. Only she wasn't there. It started raining. I called Jamie and she said she would come if I needed her. Then Michelle showed up with my stepladder. She came in with me to inspect the house. She talked as I found spots on walls to scrub. I found dirt in the screen door window but could not figure out how to get at it.

Eventually she went home to her family. I thought I was almost finished, but then realized the utility room hadn't been touched. So I scrubbed the shelves, walls and floors. I swept and mopped. I scrubbed the sink.

I noticed that it was after 6 and the community meeting had started. So I drove to the community club. By then the rain had turned to sleet and my head was wet when I walked in. I found a seat behind Chris. It was hard to hear Charity talking, but I cupped my hand behind my ear and caught most of the meeting.

It started breaking up after 7. I handed out all the little lip balms I had with me, resolving to get more from home. I talked to a few people about ways of getting rid of gophers. The new couple told me they bought a new sewing machine.

I headed out in the sleet and drove home. I put a bowl of turkey soup in the toaster oven and set it for 20 minutes. I ate carrots and a tiny orange. Then Tonja came over with her barber kit. She cut Chris' hair first and I discovered through their conversation that the party on Thursday had been postponed. Sigh. Then she cut my hair. And it was a relief. We chatted as she cut, and afterward. Then I swept up and she went home.

Chris pulled my steaming bowl of soup from the toaster oven. It was too hot to eat so I put some cool tea in it. After eating, I worked on my blog, then heated the rest of the tea. We watched several episodes of Jeannie. After that, I got on my laptop. He kissed me goodnight and went to bed. Then around 11:30, I hit the hay.

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