Sunday, January 15, 2023

Seed crackers and the game


I got up around 8. I threw out the biffido ferment. I washed the Berkey filter unit. It had what looked like green sludge on the filter, but when I wiped it off, it made the paper towel red.

I started checking e-mail. Michelle came over with a jar of goat milk. I paid her $5. After she left, Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. I rested for some time while he took a shower and got dressed. Then I took my shower and he started the laundry.

I made and ate breakfast while looking at e-mail. Then I went up the hill to feed the cats. But when I got there, I did not have the key. I called Chris but he said they were not on the table. So I went to the apt I signed for to see if they were there. They were not, but I took a few minutes to clean the handheld vacuum. When I got home, I found the key on the floor. I went back to the colonel's house. CSM's husband was carrying the colonel's Amazon package to the garage. I went inside to feed the cats. Kitty chow, kitty crap, then kitty cuddles. And then I went home.

On the way, Michelle texted me and we talked about meeting up. I worked on my blog. I pulled out frozen eggs to thaw while I listened to a video called Anedotals. It was about people who got the shots and experienced adverse events. But they are dismissed, ridiculed, shamed, gas lit, diagnosed as mentally ill, and refused financial help with medical bills. Those enrolled in the pharma studies who were too injured from the first shot to take the second one, were dropped from the studies and their adverse events went uncounted and uninvestigated.

I put the eggs in the Magic Bullet to blend. But it leaked a little and made a mess. I cleaned it up and made a batch of seed cracker dough. I spread it in a pan and baked it for an hour.

When they were done, I turned the oven off and left them in to crisp up. I went to Michelle's house to play the game with the balls on a chess-like board. Her husband had it all set up. But first she wanted to talk about Chris needing new suits, shirts, and ties.

And then we played the game. I thought I had the solution on my phone, but it didn't match. I gave up on #7, and did well on others. Casey got one and Michelle played a different game on her phone.

At 10:30, I solved a particularly tough one and called it quits. I thanked them and said farewell. I went home, where Chris was waiting for me. He and I dressed the bed with clean sheets. I put away my laundry. He went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail, then headed off to bed myself.

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