Saturday, May 20, 2023



I got up just before 8, having slept through the night. I did the usual daily morning stuff, then read e-mail until 10. I had planned to go cleaning at the colonel's house. But then I got caught up in trying to create and print an affidavit for a friend who lost his wife.

I was using an online form creator, but it wanted me to create an account and purchase a plan in order to print it out. So I took pics of the screen and typed it up myself. All was good, until I tried to draw a signature line. The word processor made it into a very dark line going all across the page and would not let me delete it, or type anything else. In my mind, I needed a different word processor. But Chris came to help and he got frustrated too, so he took my pics to the office to use a character reader on it.

While he was gone, I made and ate breakfast. Michelle texted, asking if I could pick up some pictures from WalGreens. I added that to the shopping list. Chris came back with the affidavit printed and also the seller forms for the sale of Dad's house. Both needed notarizing.

Chris packed the cooler and we went to Tooele. We stopped at Walgreens for her pics, then at the bank for notarizing. The second packet needed a lot of signatures AND some filling out. I didn't realize that so we just did signing. Then we shopped at Melanie's, Cal Ranch, and Macey's. I got a rake and two plants at Cal Ranch.

We went to the commissary when we got back to post. After getting a few more things, we went home and put the food away. I called Kurt to see how he filled out his forms. He hadn't yet. So I called William, who hadn't either. But his wife said she would do it early tomorrow morning and send it to me. She's a paralegal so she would know how, I guess.

I made a salad and ate fruit for supper. I read e-mail for awhile, then worked on my blog. I went to game night at Michelle's house and gave her her pictures. I played the game DIG while she and her husband took turns talking to me. It was hard to keep things straight. Then at 11, he carried out a big jug of filtered water to my car and I went home. Chris was already in bed. I rinsed my sprouts and did my yoga flow, then hit the hay.

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