Thursday, May 25, 2023

Back in the Wednesday routine, plus a new timer


I got up before 7:30, after having had a terrible time getting to sleep. Was it the microgreems I ate? I turned off the heat and opened some windows. I prepared for coffee morning with exercises and such. I used the teal balloon to remove plastic flakes from the coffee grounds. It worked ok after multiple rounds.

Afterward, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I was listening to an interview on my laptop. I paused it to run the vacuum, then Chris came home and plugged in the router. I was unable to get the interview back after that. He brought me a package from the post office. I laid out in the sun for a while, then came in to see him getting ready to go back to work.

I got dressed and checked e-mail. I got a copy of the church's monthly report. I realized I hadn't sent a check to the church lately. I read their past reports and it sounded like they are closing the church and selling off the property. I wrote a check for May and June and readied it for the mail.

I jotted notes for my blog. Revonna e-mailed me that she left some eggs on the front porch. I brrought them in. I stopped at the post office to mail the check, then went to the colonel's house to get a yellow stain out of his sink and take down hooks and stuff from the walls. Sadly, the cleaner seemed to make it worse. I called Michelle to help clean out the shed because my car wouldn't hold the bigger stuff. We loaded her car and then put a few last things in mine.

We walked with Diane and Jenni, carrying Diane's two new puppies. They are miniature dachshunds and so cute! Then Michelle and I went to self-help to return the colonel's yard tools. Everything else went to the swap shop.

We worked out at the gym, doing the usual routine. I came home to get a key, then went to an apartment to see how Jamie did. It was pretty good, but I re-cleaned a few things and went home.

I went to the garden to scatter coffee grounds and plant the microgreens. I asked the guy at the next garden if he could unscrew my timer for me. I had no idea how long a process I started. When he couldn't get it off, he got a friend with a pliers. They got it off and suggested I get another one plus a pressure reducer from the shed. So I did. I installed it myself, but it leaked. So his friend worked on it and ended up replacing the hose end twice. I got cold standing there because it got very windy as the sun started to set. It was 8pm by the time he finished. I did not stay to plant the microgreens. I just thanked him and left.

When I got home, I talked to Chris, then worked on my blog while Chris hardboiled the eggs for me. I made tea and we watched SG1 (Teal'c has hair now?) . Chris went to bed while I made up supplements for the week. Then I read some e-mail while Michelle texted me and went to bed.

** Notice how infants are being given vaccine doses equal to or greater then the doses for adults. What sense does that make? **

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