Monday, May 8, 2023

New recruits for sewing class


There were blips in the night from Chris' phone and then it rang around 7. I was afraid it was work, but it was Herberth keeping Chris up to date on his trip to the U.S. I stayed in bed late. Chris came in to wake me up at 8 but I was already awake.

I got up to work on the muffins. I heated honey to add to the mix, then poured the mix into the mini muffin form and spent some time getting all 20 about equal. And it was time to bake.

I jotted notes for my blog and posted for Friday. I read e-mail. I had to keep adding time to the muffins. When they were finally done, I took them out. Then Chris gave me a coconut oil massage. I took a shower and then he took his. I made and ate breakfast. I got dressed for church.

I arrived at the chapel with my trombone, and a container of muffins. I said 'hi' to Sgt King as I walked in. I assembled my trombone and took it in the fellowship hall to warm up. Russ followed me and asked what he should do with the salad that he brought for the pot luck. I showed him the fridge and told him that we only have pot luck on the last Sunday of the month.

I went back to the sanctuary. I saw Jenni and told her we missed her at sewing class. Russ said he wanted to come to a sewing class so I told him when the next class would be. Then the service started with the guitar guy playing three praise songs, two of which we had never heard before. Then Pastor Josh gave a talk from the book of John. Then Saronna and I played a few hymns chosen by the congregation.

After the service, I talked to Russ and the other new guy (who also wants to come to sewing class). I chatted with Saronna then we both headed out, making sure the doors were locked.

I went home and changed clothes. Chris was gaming. I threw in another load of laundry. I hung up Chris' shirts. I worked on eating a slab of jackfruit. Stirling came over with a pair of pants that he needs hemmed by Tuesday. I finished the jackfruit and cut it up for the compost. I put on my shoes to go walking to help my back. As I went out the front door with two plastic bags, someone called my name. It was Erin in the park across the street. I walked over to talk to her. We talked for some time and I gave her one of the bags for her trash. Then I walked around collecting trash in nearby yards and street. I threw all the trash in the bin outside.

It was almost 5 when I finished. I ate some leftovers. The various Damours signed into Discord. Chris helped me to sign in. we found ourselves in a dungeon, beaten up from the last fight. We took a short break to restore some healing powers. I cast a Comrade Succor spell to help those who were worst hit. Then we moved into the north tunnel. We investigated the room on the left and had to fight a headless skeleton. Then we went forward through the portcullis and had to fight “The Lopper”. He was tough but we prevailed. Then we investigated a hole in the floor with weapons and gold pieces in it. John called the game early and assigned us experience points.

I listened to podcasts from Telegram messages. Then I worked on my blog and posted for Saturday. I made tea and we folded laundry. Then we watched episodes of Have Gun Will Travel. After that, we made the bed with the laundered sheets. Chris went to bed and I stayed up a little longer.

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