Sunday, May 28, 2023

Smarter than your average garage door


I got up around 8. I took supplements and puttered in the kitchen. I got dressed and went to the company house to throw the sheets in the washer. Then I went to Diane's house to lock it. While I was there, I looked around at all the stuff she left behind. One drawer was full of utensils. There was ammo in the garage. I took some food from the cabinet and the fridge, locked the house and went home.

I put the food away. I texted Diane to see if she meant to take the utensils and ammo. She said the ammo was for Jamie's husband and to take a pic of the utensils. I watered some plants, and covered the tower garden with netting to stop the grazing birds.

I went back to the company house to throw the towels in the wash. I went to Diane's house to take a pic of the utensils. I sent it and she asked me to mail them to her. I looked through more cabinet and found a few other food items. Then I left the house, pulling the door shut and locking myself out.

I texted Diane, asking for the code. She gave it, but said it didn't work. And it didn't. I walked around back but everything was locked. I called Jamie, then remembered that the garage door opener was at my house. I called Chris to bring it. Jamie came over and we talked until Chris showed up. The opener was dead, but Jamie opened hers and traded out the batteries. Chris went home just as the garage door opened. She and I were so happy!!! She took the ammo to her truck. We went through the house and identified things we might want. Then she took the opener home, I locked the door, and drove home. Chris gave me a coconut oil massage, then I took a shower. I went to the company house to throw the towels in the dryer.

I was home making breakfast when Michelle stopped by with two posters she'd made. We talked for a bit as I finished my breakfast. She also talked to Chris about the water aerobics class she is doing tonight. After she left, I ate breakfast in front my laptop and watched a video of someone playing DIG, the game that stumped me last night.

I rearranged the hoses and wound the longest one on the hose caddy. I went to the company house to take the towels out. I spent half an hour cleaning, then left the bathmats under some fans and went home to get the stains out of one of the sheets. I texted with Revonna who is in the process of moving.

I went to the garden to fix the soaker hose and pull weeds. Then I came home to have supper, which Chris made: rice, ground beef, and cilantro. After supper, I went back to the company house to clean the floors and put the bathmats down. They still weren't dry.

When I got home, I worked on my blog post, then made tea. We watched two episodes of SG1. I folded laundry then helped Chris dress the bed with clean sheets. He went to bed while I stayed up longer to listen to soothing music.

** Hmmm, fermented synthetic biology products. Like flavoring for that plant-based meat product. No thanks. **

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