Monday, October 23, 2023

A new snack


We got up after 8. I brushed and then rinsed my nasal passages. I used alcohol to get the ink out of the carpet. Then I went through the batch of sprouts, pulling out rotting hulls. I worked on a form that Melanies sent me.

I listened to audios on Telegram while piecing puzzles. I asked Chris for a massage and he gave me one. I took my shower and then he took his. I made and ate breakfast.

I took snack and my trombone and went to the chapel. I laid the snack on the table and went up front to assemble my trombone. I talked with the people already seated. Some others came in. Then the chaplain invited the two teenagers up to sing. He started the slides and music playing. We sang two songs. Then he gave his sermon on waiting for the Lord. Saronna came up and we played two hymns which I had picked out during the sermon. He said a prayer and the service was over. I chatted with Rick about leveling up to 5 while the others chatted and opened the snack. It was jicama with avocado dip. Apparently the kids didn't like it because I found some on the floor later. Jenni said she didn't like it. Then I walked out with Ginger and went home.

I noted that Chris wasn't gaming with the voices. And he said that we weren't going to game tonight because James was ill. I put the snack back in the fridge and finished the interview from earlier. I went on to other interviews and articles. Chris went to the club because it was open for a special reason today. Then Jenni came over. She''d already been to the club. She was returning my loaf pan. I gave her two squash. We talked about this and that.

After she left, I changed into regular clothes. I watered the gopher mounds but nothing came up. Chris came back from the club. I heated the last of the soup in the toaster oven. As I ate, I worked on my blog. I used the Kaatsu device.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of Psych. We made the bed with clean sheets. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to listen to a set of interviews on 5G.

Braggs was bought by Katy Perry and is now using Apeel apples to make the vinegar. Sigh. And it was such a trusted brand.

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