Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Grandma's machine


I got up after 7:30. It was still kind of dark. I went in my sewing room to get the robe I cut out of Chris' shirt. I put it on. I took supplements and brushed my teeth. I went through the backpack of sewing stuff that Jerry gave me. Some of it I added to my stash, but there were a lot of buttons and I don't like buttons. I emptied the wastebasket in my sewing room.

I washed the cake saver and set it on the stove to dry. I turned my attention to the plant on Grandma's sewing machine. I removed all the dead leaves and cleaned it up. I shifted it to the bookcase, then tried to open the sewing machine cabinet. The machine had no thread so I had to find some tough thread for it. I checked the stitches and they weren't good. So I got out the manual and re-threaded it. It did well with the handwheel.

So then I worked on the sleeping bag. I looked all over for fabric to match. I didn't find any, but saw that Randy had left some with it. So I pinned it in place and tried to sew. However, even though I plugged it in, the machine would not turn on. I tried another outlet, but no. the bag was so thick that I needed both hands to move it under the needle, so I needed the foot pedal to work.

I went in my sewing room and got another all -metal machine set up. But it wasn't strong enough to keep stitching. Sigh. I gave up. I got dressed and watered the plants. I was going to use the watering can for plants on the back porch, but the water inside was frozen.

I put a load of new fabrics in the washing machine. I grabbed the folding stepladder and went to apt 209. I scrubbed the stove burners. I washed the blinds, windows and tracks. After an hour, I went home for breakfast. Chris had slow-roasted short ribs. I had breakfast and one short rib.

Then I went to the post office for yoga, but the yoga teacher was not there. I went back home. I sent her a message on Facebook. I opened the bag with the cantaloupe and it was overripe. I had to cut some off. I opened the other cantaloupe and it was overripe too. I listened to a podcast on Parkinsons. I put in a second load of new fabric. I jotted notes for my blog and posted for yesterday.

I put together a costume from the back closet. I put toys in a black bag. Chris picked me up and we went to Trunk-or-treat by the Community Club. I walked around handing out toys, I talked to spouses at their trunks,

We came home. I ate more ribs, and listened to an interview on solar cycles. Then my internet connection stopped working. I rebooted my laptop and continues to listen: Higher percentages of carbon dioxide lead to higher crop yields and more nutritious plants.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of Psych. During the show, my stomach became bloated that I knew I couldn't sleep. Chris went to bed, but I stayed up cleaning my sewing room. Then I watched a meditative tapping video and went to bed.

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