Monday, October 2, 2023

We won't quit our day jobs


I got up around 9. I watched segments of Tim Conway skits. I made cheese squares for church. I read about Terry Jacks., and Susan Jacks, and the Poppy Family. I used the Kaatsu bands, then made and ate breakfast.

I washed up and got dressed for church. I put cheese squares in my purse. I went to the chapel, forgetting my trombone. I walked in and put the snack on the back table. I sat up front and talked to the chaplain. Then some people came in.

We sang some songs from the overhead. He gave his sermon on standing firm. Then I played the alto and soprano line of our hymn on the piano. After that, we ended up talking in groups. Some people left without snack. I guess they didn't want to be the first to open the container. Eventually we all left.

I changed clothes. I contacted Michelle and Jenni and we agreed to go to the pool at 4:15 to thank the lifeguards. I put some cheese squares in baggies for them. Chris drove me to the pool and we waited for the others. Michelle brought up the lyrics on her phone. We gave the lifeguards the food, then sang the song to the tune of Seasons in the Sun. Michelle had Chris take pics with her phone.

We all went home. Chris and I had something to eat before the game. I heated a burger in the toaster oven. I read e-mail while waiting for the game to start. Then John sent a message that he didn't feel well so the game was canceled.

I pulled out a grocery bag and went to visit the pear and apple trees. I got a few pears, but the apples, though small, were quite plentiful. Isadora was walking by with her dog and she stopped to talk to me.

When I got home, I read Telegram messages, thinking Michelle was coming over. When the sun was going down, I texted her. She came over and I showed her which plants will need to be watered. We talked a bit and then she left.

I put ingredients in the bread machine. I worked on my blog and made tea. He tried to put on a movie, but it wouldn't play. So we watched 4 episodes of Dick Van Dyke. They aired before I was born so I never saw them before.

Then he went to bed and I stayed up to read e-mail.

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