Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Suddenly, not one but two calls!


I got up before 8. I got ready for the day, then got online to send a message to the company about what happened at the house they rent on Saturday. Then my phone rang. I got a call for a cleaning quote at an apartment.

I listened to some interviews, and put apple/pear mash in jars which went into the fridge. Then I went to the library to make larger copies of the Christmas music that I bought. Keli was very helpful. When I got home, I posted notices on Facebook for band practice tonight.

I watered plants and gopher mounds. I put on a bathing suit and laid out in the sun till it crested the roof. While making breakfast, I got a call from the chaplain to open the swap shop. I called him back after I finished eating. I went to the swap shop and opened it. He left two large boxes which I managed to push inside. Then he arrived and moved them further in. We had a nice chat.

I went home. I got another call for a quote, and scheduled it for 4. I listened to another interview. I tried to find B-flat hymnals online. I could only find a trumpet version for the Celebration hymnal. I e-mailed the company asking to see a page or two before I decided to purchase.

Then I went to the first quote at 4. It was a pretty clean apartment. We had a nice chat, too. He'll call me tomorrow with the sign-over date and time.

I went home and heated a bowl of soup for supper. Then I went to the second quote. He was young and seemed nervous, kept walking back and forth. I looked around, gave him a quote. I did not stay to chat.

I went home and Chris arrived right behind me. We talked a bit, then he asked me how I would feel about moving to Hawaii for a job he wants to apply for. He said it would be expensive and there would be lots of traffic but he would like the job. I didn't know what to say, but we discussed it. I worked on my blog while waiting for band practice time. I used the Kaatsu device on my legs. When it was finished, I loaded up my trombone and sheet music and went to the chapel.

I unlocked the door as the others showed up. I turned on all the lights and put out music stands. I handed out the music. I took some pics for the chaplain, but we weren't close enough to get everyone in. Then we played through some of the Christmas music, including Little Drummer Boy. It was unexpectedly harder than it looked.

I called it quits at 7:45. But it took awhile for Sophia's younger siblings to clean up in the nursery to go home. I turned off the lights as Keli walked out. We chatted a bit, then we all went home.

I sat down to finish my blog, Then I made tea and we watched two episodes of Psyche. Then I retired to my laptop and he went to bed.

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