We stayed in bed late for being up so late. I put h2o2 in my ears, I swished, I gargled, I took two packets of highpowered vitamin C, and the old colostrum. I juiced the last of the carrots plus some cherry tomatoes and some small peppers growing out back. I threw in some sweet potato vine 'cause there wasn't quite the usual two cups. I laid in the sun in the back yard. Then I made breakfast. I read e-mail while I ate. I took a shower and dressed. I researched trunk-or-treat ideas and saw lots of glow-in-the-dark crafts. We might have gone somewhere close. Chris brough in the mail. There were two bottles of calcium and magnesium. I added them to the supplements I made up last night. Then we watched multiple episodes of Castle. Around 5 we took a break to go to a nearby Chinese restaurant because on one episode they were eating Chinese food. I ordered the squid with pickled vegetables because that was recommended by our waitress. She didn't seem friendly until I tasted it and told her it was good. She was warmer after that. Chris got pork. At the end of the meal, Chris opened his cookie to reveal a slip of paper which said something about traveling and coming into a fortune. Mine said I should try something daring. I figured it meant I should drive Chris' car home, but I didn't. I sat in the car while he went into Fresh Market for garlic and onions. Then he drove us home. We spent the rest of the evening watching Castle episodes and went to bed. I think there was more to this day than I remember.
* These are my baby kale plants *
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