I went out to the tent to sleep.
Someone was having a party with loud music, but around midnight they
turned it off. Not long after that, nature called. After I
answered, I came back out to the tent. I heard two little critters
scratching under the tent. However, I did not hover on the edge of
sleep, like yesterday, imagining things and wondering if they were
real. I thought about where else I could sleep which would be away
from electrical fields and critters and open to fresh air. I went to
sleep, and woke up, probably around 7. After gathering up my energy,
I came in and laid down until long after my alarm went off. Then I
fired up the computer, and went through the usual routine. I
unstacked the dishwasher and put the dishes away. I listened to an
audio, read e-mail, juiced, and watered the kale. I meditated, and
made breakfast. I finished the audio, and made plans to visit Alison
to get soap and eggs and honey. I called Parker. She said they took
the trampoline away and so were done. But I need to call Ralph to
find out what all he is going to do so Parker can hire people to
clean and pick up the yard if necessary. I laid in the sun, then
started laundry. I looked at old photos rescued from the shed. I
left Ralph a message to call me. I raked leaves, and put bricks all
around the tent to impede the critter, thinking that this tent thing
isn't working out as well as I had hoped. But sleeping indoors is a
problem too. Maybe it's just menopause. I came in to check my phone
for messages, and then listen to another audio. The audio mentioned
spiritual parasites. Sounds yucky. I ate the rest of a jar of fish
soup, and went through a pile of pics of old quilt projects and
photographed them for my Pinterest page. It was hard to get a pic
without reflection from overhead lights or my shirt. I uploaded the
pics to Pinterest. I read old blog entries and realized that I used
to get a lot more sewing done. I went down to sew all the red strip
blocks together. When I was down to the last seam, it was time to
check for Chris on Skype. He and Michele were on so I called. We
had a nice time chatting about old times and old music. I tried to
make my rice glow for them, but it wouldn't show up. Chris went to
bed and Michele and I chatted some more. I held up old photographs
to her to see. At 11 it was time to sign off and go to bed. But not
before blogging.
* I could not resist these pics of Michele and I wearing the same outfit. *
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