I heard the alarm go off at 8, but
my back said it wasn't ready to get up. Gee, maybe hiking later
isn't such a great idea. I did some stretching and rolling and
finally got up. I swished, and read e-mail. I added more X-Files
episodes to my Netflix account. I exercised. When I juiced, I
dropped the sprout container and they went everywhere. After
drinking, I sat and meditated. Then I got dressed and took out the
recyclables. I saw my neighbor bringing his tub back from the road,
so I left my tub in the carport. William called and seemed very
talkative. I made breakfast and ate it while he was talking. Then
since I was so late for the Thursday group, I decided to stay home
and work on the altar cloth. I hemmed the white part that will lay
on the altar. I sewed it to the top of the top. I cut strips to
make binding for the red part. While trimming the top in preparation
for the binding, I inadvertently cut into the white part which was
stitched to the top already. So I made a note to fix that. Then I
sewed the binding onto the front. It was 2:30 then, so I put it
away, and came up to prepare for the hike. I put on jeans and found
a backpack to hold a water bottle. I filled the bottle. I put a
towel in in case I got hot and sweaty. I put in tissue to blow my
nose. And I put in $2 for entry to the park. I tried on Michele's
hiking shoes, but they did not fit well and I was worried that even a
small difference would become large over a long walk. So I wore my
jogging shoes. Then I put the backpack on and walked out the door.
Terry was waiting for me in the driveway. We needed walking sticks
so I grabbed a rake handle and long dowel from the carport. Terry
drove us up the mountain on a long and winding road (cue Beatles
music). It led to a park where we each paid $2 to get in. Then we
parked in a lot with a number of other cars, some of which she
recognized. She introduced me as the other ladies showed up. One of
them lent me her extra jacket because the temp was definitely lower
at the higher elevation. After a perusal of trail maps, Marta picked
one and we headed off. It was listed as 3.4 miles. There was a
natural pairing as we drifted into conversation. The pairs changed
occasionally. Terry has been reading my blog so she asked about some
of the things she read. The terrain was not bad, but the roots and
rocks were an invitation to twist an ankle. I spent all my time
watching for roots as we walked so did not notice much of the
scenery. I wished I had my camera though. I was surprised how
quickly we reached the end of the trail, although if we had walked
any faster, I would have been running. I was tired when we got back,
but it passed. We stood around talking about next time, and when a
plan was made, we left. I rode back with Marta, the organizer. We
stopped at the park restroom, then went into town to drop someone off
and pick up dinner for her family. She dropped me off at my house
and I pointed out my tent. Then she left and I sat in front of my
laptop and caught up on e-mail. I ate dates, an egg, yellow yam, and
fermented cabbage for supper. I called Ralph and we talked about the
work he is doing on our house in Pinehurst. He said I wouldn't
recognize it now. He is going to make it look so good that we will
move back in. If only that house were here in Huntsville... When he
was done, Chris skyped me. We did not talk long. Then I brought up
the banner to finish the binding by hand. As I worked, I listened to
another audio, this one on theta healing. At 10:30, I decided to
call it a day and go to bed. If there were bedding in the tent, I
would go out there. But it is tough to assemble in the dark. Oh
yeah, I have a Swanson's order to place before midnight. I hope I
get to bed by then.
* This is Cindi wearing her pumpkin costume for trunk or treat. *
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