Sunday, October 19, 2014

Sticks and cones

I got up when I heard my phone alarm. The thermostat in the hall read 66. I closed the windows and turned on the heat. I tried to practice the choir anthem but I sounded like a wornout squeaky toy. I put h2o2 in my ears and on my toothbrush to disinfect it. Chris browned onion and garlic a large black pot. I saw him put slabs of coconut oil in a dish. He added fish to the pot. I wondered about the dish of coconut oil. Then I found out it wasn't for kitchen purposes. Fast forward to taking a shower to get it all off. I dressed for church, made breakfast, and only had time to eat part of it. We went to church. Rachel remarked about what a lovely quilt it was. I did not have to wonder about her comment for long, as the quilt was shown off at the beginning of church and its raffle announced. I tried to sing the first hymn, but it only made my voice worse. I decided to dab at my nose with my left hand so I could pass the peace with my right and not pass more than peace. But my hands touched each other during the service so I could have overshared. Everyone loved seeing Chris. When Rachel did the children's story, she had the kids identify all the different vegetables in the harvest display by the altar. I meant to get a picture of the display after the service. When we got bread at communion, I was not sure whose communion bread it was. It was dark like mine, but not in squares. After the service, I got lots of kind comments on the quilt. One lady bought 10 tickets at $5 each. I still couldn't talk right, but I congratulated Roz on her birthday (85 or 86). The man who almost gave me a ride to the airport back in July told me that if I ever needed a ride for anything, to call him. Yikes. We came home. I could smell the fish cooking. I finished breakfast. Chris put laundry in the washer. I went outside to pick up sticks and fallen limbs until Chris was ready to shop. We went to Publix for groceries for me. We were able to use a Publix coupon that came in the mail. I drove us home in Chris' car and had no trouble. We put the groceries away. I finished my Chinese dinner from last night with chopsticks. I worked outside picking up the rest of the fallen limbs, and threw dirt in a hole in the back yard. That did not fill it, so I thought about adding magnolia cones next time. I read e-mail, and talked to Kurt. Chris helped me pick flights to Richmond and back again for Christmas. I ate some fish, and Chris made a chicken burrito. We went down to watch episodes of Castle. We ate dates with sections of a 99% dark chocolate bar that Chris picked up at Fresh Market. After we finished season 4 of Castle, it was time for Chris to pack for his trip in what always seems like the middle of the night. He asked for thread, so I wound black, white and dark blue on a slip of cardboard. He finished packing. I asked him to bring my embroidery machine up to Grandma's sewing table so I could use it when the time came. Then he went to bed, and I stayed up just long enough to post to my blog.
*  this is the big kale plant that survived last winter  *

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