Saturday, October 11, 2014

Early Thanksgiving

I woke up early hearing Cecily walking around. Alarms went off at 8 EST, I turned them off and snuggled up with Chris. I fired up the laptop and downloaded pics from my camera and posted the blog I wrote last night. I listened to an audio on detoxing and exercised. Chris helped his mom and took a shower. When I was ready for breakfast, I brought the breakfast box out to the kitchen to prepare my meal. The four of us sat around the table and talked. Cecily kept getting up to do stuff. When it was time for the rolls, she and I did them together. She used bread dough from the store. The rolls rose a lot, some far bigger than others. She and Chris did the turkey – a 15 pounder. In the late afternoon, Chris took me to a parking lot for a driving lesson. I asked for the lesson and Cecily suggested the place because it had some slopes. I practiced starting on hills, shifting into second and third, and starting from a random 'go'. The last part was to emulate traffic conditions like waiting to pull out onto a busy street. When we got back to the house, my dad was there. We talked to him until Faye and Kevin arrived.  William was invited but did not come.  Faye brought a pineapple casserole. I got a call from Parker saying that the tenants had massive amounts of stuff out in the yard like they were moving. And then it rained. She promised to call and find out if they would be out by Wednesday, but she never called me back.
Soon Al was carving the turkey and it smelled really good. It was my job to cut the rolls out of the pan to put in a basket. We set all the food on the kitchen table, then filled our plates and went into the diningroom. We held hands and prayed. I ate a lot of turkey because I know Cecily doesn't like dark meat. Also, it was one of only two things that did not have sugar in it. Dad ate well, but did not have seconds, probably because dessert was ready by the time he finished his first plate. Cecily made whipped cream and Chris cut the pies. I was surprised how many went for the pumpkin when there was a whole pecan pie available. Faye helped Cecily wash dishes and clean up. Then my dad said his goodbyes and went home. Chris showed Faye and Kevin his pics from Kwadjuleine and Honduras. Then they went home. I checked my e-mail and saw that Michele had skyped. So I called her back. Chris came in and we all chatted for awhile.  She gave me her other e-mail address so I could enter it on Blogger so she would get my blog entries.  But I could not find the blog list anywhere. Then we had to hang up so we could rest and get up for church tomorrow.
*  Faye and Kevin  *


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