Thursday, January 2, 2025

Arranging for an accordion


I got up around 8. I prepared for coffee morning. After the set of exercises, I read the Bible for 30 minutes. Then I meditated and tapped. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I washed dishes. I pulled a beef kidney from the freezer to thaw. I looked for a special charging cord. It's like a magnet and it charges Tayogo headphones. I did not find it. I checked for messages on my phone and on Facebook. I called Faye and Kurt to see of one of them could get the accordion to Michele in time for her move out here.

A guy left a message about me going to see his house and give him a quote. I called Jamie to meet me, then I went over there. She and I looked around and we quoted him $600. I stayed to talk to Saronna and Randy who live in the next house over. Saronna gave me a book on pouring acrylic.

When I got home, I called Michele to see if she had room and she did, but she was down for the count with her back. I called Chris and let him know. Then I called Faye back to let her know that she was needed. But right at that moment, Chris called her so she hung up. Then Michele texted me that I had ratted on her. Sigh.

I had a pair of shoes that went bad (got too stiff to wear), so I threw them out. I found two more pairs to part with, so I texted Michelle (my friend) to let her know because she has been bugging me to throw out shoes for some time. I ate some bean soup and rice. I looked up how to cook a beef kidney.

I did several Sudoku puzzles. I watered the plants. I posted to my blog for yesterday. I watched resin pouring and made notes. I took a shower and got ready for bed.


Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die leaving undone.
Pablo Picasso

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