Wednesday, January 22, 2025

The scam, again


After the usual morning stuff, I texted Jamie that inspection was at 11. I made a paper scoop and used it to fill capsules with fiber. I read e-mail until almost 10. Then I went to ACS to look at the quilting and craft stuff that had been found and needed to go somewhere. Jenni was there so we looked together. As we were separating out, Jamie called to say she needed help finishing the house for inspection, so I ran over there to clean. We were still finishing up when the inspectors came. But we passed, just as Jamie was loading up the leftover stuff.

I went back to ACS to help Jenni. She had loaded some stuff in her car. I took some of the quilting stuff to the library and talked with them. Then Jenni and I took the rest of the quilting stuff to the chapel. We found some bins for the stuffing to keep the mice out.

I went home for lunch. I found three dozen eggs on the stoop. I put 7 in the egg steamer, and made an ice bath. I made breakfast, then put steamed eggs in the ice bath. I ate breakfast, then got a call for cleaning.

So I ran over there with a contract. I looked the place over and quoted him $250. He's the guy who gave me his washer and dryer, so I wasn't worried if I didn't charge enough. He went to the ATM for cash but couldn't find his card. So he wanted to do Venmo. I had to call Jamie and they worked it out somehow. Then he was telling us how the moving people had quoted him one price and then said he had twice as much stuff so they wanted thousands more. Its a scam which I hear over and over. So I insisted on getting the name of the company. He had even taken videos of his stuff on the truck to show how little space it took. He gave me one house key and the post office keys.

Then I went to Saronna's house to play. With only 10 minutes left, I wasn't sure she would want to, but her husband said he would take the kids when they got home from school and disappear so we would be uninterrupted. So I brought in my horn and we talked. Finally we played through the two hymns I had chosen and one that I wanted to play but wasn't in our regular hymnal.

I stopped at the post office to get mail and return the keys, but the window was closed. So I just got the mail out of our box. I went home and put everything back where it belonged. I started another 7 eggs in the steamer, then sat down to jot notes for my blog. However, the electricity went out so the steamer was interrupted.

I worked on the blog, and got my snack and then the electricity came on. The steamer came back on too. I read Telegram messages. When the router came back up, I read e-mail. Then I realized it was 6pm in Alabama. I signed into the Zoom call for the quilt guild. While I was watching that, it got dark. John came out and asked if he could turn some lights on. I said yes. I put the second batch of eggs in an ice bath.

When it was over, I left Zoom. Michelle started texting me. Back and forth. Finally Chris and Michele came home. He had been in a meeting and she had tried to watch a movie at the community club, but the projector didn't work.

They made supper. Michele clued me in that John likes to peel eggs. So I asked him to peel the eggs and put them in the pickled egg jar. Chris put some curry in the toaster oven for me. Later I ate that, still reading.

I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched one episode of Atlantis and Chris went to bed. I took my evening supplements. I read e-mail till 11, then turned off the router and got ready for sleep.

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