Saturday, January 18, 2025

Game night needs to change games


I got up about 7:30. Michele and Chris were already up. I did the usual morning stuff. I read some e-mail. I counted my open tabs: 96. Then I got ready for Math Morning. My windshield was frosted over because the temps have been so low. I sprayed it with alcohol and wiped it with a sponge. Then I headed to the chapel. But before I got there, the windshield began re-freezing in a different pattern, one large enough to see through.

I parked across from the church so my car would be in the sun. I unlocked the doors and went in. I turned on the lights and got out some pencils. Then I made two phone calls, one about insurance and one to the bank. Still no one came. Saronna had said they weren't coming but I thought Karen was. Then Casey walked in. We chatted for over half an hour about lidar, and LA fires, and computers and density. It was obvious that no one was coming, so we locked up and left.

I came home to find the laundry going. Chris and Michele weren't here. Maybe John was in his room? I ate a small amount of meat. I washed out the coffee maker and put vinegar in it to soak. I scrubbed the burner bowls brought home from one of our houses. The two small ones came clean but the larger ones will need to soak in ammonia. Then I turned on the coffee maker and let it run the vinegar through a brewing cycle.

I paid an insurance bill, walked to post office and mailed a check to the bank. I talked to Summer, then walked home. I made and ate breakfast. We got in Chris' car and dropped Michele off at her temp house to wait for the movers. Then we went to the commissary for groceries and came home. We went back to Michele who was still waiting, then to the commissary to buy water and sandwiches for the movers when they arrived.

We dropped off those two things, then we drove to Tooele listening to the book on CD. I fell asleep. When we got to Luckey's, Chris went in to shop and I went to Melanie's for a few things. Then I went to Joanns for embroidery floss to make the felt food. Finally we went home.

Chris dropped me at home and went to see Michele and John, who had just said goodbye to the movers. Apparently they got a late start because the front gate spent a lot of time inspecting the truck. (Come to find out, it was a long background check on the driver's helper). I started making an avocado salad when Chris got back. The others were not far behind.

I mixed up the ingredients, including tuna, garlic, spices, lemon juice and olive oil. Then I cut four avocados in half and pulled out the pits. I covered each one with salad and put them on a plate for them to have as many as they wanted. Chris fixed himself a burrito.

I read e-mail and worked on my blog. Michele and John had a scheduled game but not everyone showed up so the game didn't last long. Chris' game started a hour late. I read articles in open tabs. I searched my sewing room high and low looking for embroidery thread, certain I had some from long ago. Finally found it, a treasure trove of leftover pieces and colors. I looked at Portal videos in prep for my game.

I gave John and Michele a 15 minute warning, but they did not get ready. So I filled a bottle with tea and went to Michelle's house. Casey had the game up. Isadora wanted the resin to add to a craft project. SO I went home to get it. I also got the molds and the skulls. I wanted to bring glitter as well, but it was in the guest room and they were asleep. I went back with the resin. While I played Portal and Cedric helped, Casey and Isadora worked on mixing resin. She added it to her project and then filled the molds with the gopher heads. I tried one with pieces of glitter. Cedric helped me get past some barriers. But he couldn't get through the hallway. He went to bed. Isadora got through the hallway and into a new room. We struggled to figure out what to do and she looked it up and soon it was done. I figured I'd have to look up what she did later. After she went to bed, I gave up. Because the next part of the game shoots at you and you can't shoot back. Not the kind of puzzle I enjoy. We decided King's Quest would be better. Then it was 11 and I shut down the game. I went home, forgetting that Casey caught a gopher and left it for me to take home. Chris was already in bed so I shut stuff down and got ready for sleep.

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