I got up at 7:30. I got started on my day, watching Portal videos. Michele got up and asked me to turn on the router. At 9:30 I went to see if Chris was ok. So then he got up. I read e-mail, etc. Then at 11, he offered me a massage. So we did that. I drank half the fiber water and took a shower, then made and ate breakfast.
After breakfast, I made sure I had needles, embroidery floss, felt, templates, pens, samples, etc. I invited Michele to sewing class, but John wanted her to go into Tooele with him. I couldn't blame him.
I went to the chapel. I set up one machine just in case. Then people started coming to class. Summer came with her two kids. The Clark family came with 4 kids. Both of Michelle's kids came. And yes, everybody wanted to make both the bread and the cheese. I ran out of cheese-colored felt so Moira use orange and called it 'spicy cheese'. I helped with the sewing of the bread and also with the constant threading and re-threading of the needles. It was 4:30 by the time Cedric finished his cheese and bread. I locked up and walked out with Saronna.
I went home. I went through the felt to find something for Sophia to use for provolone cheese at Project Night. I looked for matching floss, too. Chris heated supper for me. After eating, I picked a project for me. They had their own projects.
Michele and John followed me to the chapel. Again, the largest turnout we have ever had. Casey and Cedric had projects. Karen made a clock. Randy came with Wilhelm to finish his bread. Both of the Lunas came. Veronica came with a dress that she wanted to remake. Michele helped her decide what to do. I had some black and white hexagons but spent most of my time helping others.
People started heading out before 9. So we got out a little early. John knew the way home, so I followed them. But they turned left when I turned right. Oh well. I went home and brought in my stuff. They arrived a little later. Then I think they went to bed. Chris and I dressed the bed with clean sheets. I read messages for an hour then worked on my blog. I realized I had deleted the running list of volunteer hours for this week. Arggh! What else got deleted? Chris went to bed and later I followed.
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