Thursday, January 30, 2025

Too much cleaning


I woke up at 8 thinking it was 9 because the next watch is an hour fast. I could change it, but it got me out of bed. I brushed and swished. I prepared for coffee morning. It was nice to be alone. I read for half an hour, then tapped and meditated. Then I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I only half cleaned the hall bath because they left their stuff all over it. I did not clean their room for the same reason.

John came over around noon to get some stuff. I finished cleaning the kitchen and washing dishes. I vacuumed in the back and in the den. I took a shower and got dressed. I read some e-mail, then laid down. My right wrist hurt from overuse and sitting at the computer did not give it any rest.

But all too soon I had to get up. I put together a cleaning kit and went to Keli's RV. Her son was there. He took the dogs for a walk. I cleaned but not in the usual order. She wanted her woodwork wiped down with Murphy's oil soap. And there was extra scum in the shower so I sprayed it and let it soak while I wiped woodwork. I was not tall enough to get it all.

I finished at 5pm, after 2 hours. He was sitting outside and Keli was in her truck. I guess she'd been there since she got off at 3:30? She handed me a copy of Lord of the Rings and we discussed doing it with the kids for St. Patricks Day.

I went home. I had a bite to eat and checked e-mail. Chris came home briefly, then went to Mass. I continued reading. There was so much about RFK's senate hearing. Then Chris came home from Mass and heated some leftovers for supper. I worked on my blog and made tea. We watched one episode of Atlantis. Then he went to bed.

I stayed up later to read a book by the red therapy light. Then I got ready and went through the usual procedures before laying down for the night.

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