Friday, March 7, 2025

Paint Night


I got up before 7:30 to listen to the last tapping audio. Then Bible Study got shifted to 9. I prepared a contract and got my cleaning stuff together. I looked at the hours needed to clean previous dorms and adjusted the price.

I went to the chapel for Bible study. We ladies talked for while before we started reading. I left at 10 and went home for warmer coat. Then I went to the apartment I signed for yesterday, carrying cleaning stuff up to the second floor. Sadly I had to go home for the key and lock box. I went back to the apartment and got the toilet and tub started soaking. I cleaned in the kitchen.

I went to a sign-over in the next building. She was happy with the lower price. She paid me and we signed the contract. I went back to clean until noon. Then I went home for breakfast and to watch The Highwire.

Highwire: bird flu was experimented on in USDA Southern Poultry Research Facility, so probably a lab leak. Culling flocks allowes it to stay around long enough to mutate and become more virulent. It also kills any chickens that might develop immunity. So every flock remains vulnerable.

I walked to the post office to get mail. There was a package too heavy for me to carry. So I walked home without it. I read a book and rested. Chris came home at three because the base closed for bad weather.

I drove to the post office to pick up the package, then to the apartment to clean for another 90 minutes. Then I walked over to the second apartment to get the tub and toilet started soaking. I brushed snow off my car and went home. Chris was already gone to the community club to watch a movie with Michele and John. I drank the remaining half of the fiber gel. I read messages, and watched video of slides from a company whistleblower showing the program for creating nanochips and having them suspended in fluid to be injectable.

I had a carrot salad for supper. I worked on my blog. I was exhausted, but got bundled up. I wiped snow off my car and went to a painting class. I sat with Jenni. We passed around paint. We were supposed to watch a painting video on Youtube and then paint our canvas. I watched on Jenni's phone, but she kept stopping it at each step. Eryne let me watch hers. Once I saw the whole thing, I got busy and painted. I had to watch the last part again, but was able to finish ok. Then I hung around while others finished and washed brushes. Then we all posed for a pic of our paintings.

I brushed the snow off of my car and went home. Chris was back from his movie. I read e-mail until he was ready, then I made tea and we watched the first episode of Hamish McBeth season 3. Not many episodes in a season.

Later Chris went to bed. I stayed up to watch an interview, then went to bed.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ash Wednesday


I got up before 7:30. I got out the test kit and set it up. I heated water for coffee. I did my special exercises. I took the sample, and then finished coffee morning. I cleaned the bathrooms and started on the kitchen.

At 11:25, I stopped to make phone call to a medical intuitive. I had a ton of questions to ask. Afterward, I wrote up my notes and sent them to my practitioner. I washed dishes, then sprinkled Ajax in the sink and mopped the floor.

I took a shower, then laid down for a bit. I got up and got dressed. I checked phone messages and e-mail. I got test kit ready for mail and entered the info on their website. I had two ink cartridges ready for the mail. I filled out a contract, and went to a signover at the dorms.

When I got home, I ate a few seed crackers. The rain had stopped, so I walked to the post office to mail the stuff. I chatted with the clerk and walked home.

I read Telegram messages and listened to the remaining tapping video. I read other messages. Chris came home from work. After a few minutes, we took the empty water jugs to the car. We went to the chapel to get ashes on our foreheads and stayed to talk to the chaplain and his religious affairs specialist. Then we went to the post office to the water machine to fill the jugs. As we were chatting, he said the swap shop wasn't closing, just moving to the Connex during renovation. Blew me away.

When we got home, I texted that info to the people most involved with the swap shop. Michele called Chris, apparently just to chat. I worked on my blog post. When he hung up with Michele, I made tea and we watched one episode of Hamish McBeth. Later he went to bed, but I stayed up to watch the next round of tapping videos.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Two quotes in one day


I got up before 8. I brushed and went to the kitchen to make fiber gel. I read the test instructions for both test boxes. One can go in the regular mail, but the other one has to go to UPS on the same day the sample is taken. I called around to see if anyone was going to town this week. Jamie was just getting over being sick. But Saronna said she could take it on Thursday morning. I also contacted the company to see if they would accept it on a Friday.

I made up a week's worth of supplements. I made the usual fiber gel. I listened to a tapping meditation. At noon I went to a dorm room to give a quote. It was cleaner than usual.

When I got back, I made and ate breakfast. I finished decorating the last paper egg. I put all the eggs in a bag with the markers. I went to Saronna's house to practice and we chatted more than we played. We practiced When the Saints go Marching In - very slowly. That seemed to help us get in all the fancy notes.

When we were done, I went to another quote. Afterward, I stopped at the library to drop off the eggs. Then I went home. I worked on entering VMIS hours for the month of February. I finished the robes made from Chris' old shirts.

I made supper. I listened to the next of the tapping videos. I posted to my blog, made tea, and we watched TV. Chris went to bed. I stayed up to finish the tapping video.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The swap shop is not accepting donations?


I got up around 8. I went to the kitchen to take supplements, etc. I finished the tapping audios from yesterday. I put the oxtail bones in a soup and left them in the toaster oven.

I drank half of the fiber gel. I checked e-mail. I made and ate breakfast. I worked on hemming the second robe. Sadly there was a strip cut out of the shirt so I will have to sew a piece in.

I watched presentations from the menopause summit. One lady was demonstrating how to lay on a rolled up towel to loosen facia adhesions. I followed along with the demonstration. I did Sudoku during the other presentations. I worked on a supplement order.

I picked two hymns for next Sunday. Then I picked up Isadora at her house and took her to the swap shop to get a shirt for tomorrow at school. Its dress like your favorite villain day. I also got the mail.

Then we ran into Emily who was posting signs saying we (the swap shop) are not accepting any more donations. She and I talked about the why and what else was involved.

Then I took Isadora to my house. We stopped to pick up some tomato cages that someone threw out. At my house, she waited while I looked for fabric markers. I found some fabric crayons, but that wasn't what she wanted. So I took her home.

When I got back, I scanned the hymns, made them bigger, and printed them out. I texted Summer about the new policy of no donations and of closing the swap shop for renovation before the renovation is even scheduled.

I ate the rest of the fiber gel. I covered three paper eggs with fabric. Chris came home from work. I told him of my frustrations with MWR taking over the swap shop and making unilateral decisions. I ate a carrot and some tomatoes for supper.

Then I went to the chapel for band. Saronna was there so we talked until Keli came. Then the Popkens and Jenni arrived. We talked about ghosts, then we played through the hymns and other tunes that we'll play in the future. Then I dismissed everyone but Keli and Saronna. We worked on When the Saints, but we could not play our part with the piano part.

Afterward, we turned off the lights and locked the doors and went home. I sat at my computer but it would not give me a sign-in screen. Then the doorbell rang. Chris answered it. Kyle had brought us some dumplings and hot peppers that his wife made. And they were still hot. He said to eat them with sour cream. After he left, Chris said we didn't have sour cream. But I found some in the back of the fridge. It was from 2022, but had never been opened. He opened it and smelled it. It smelled fine. So I ate some dumplings with the sour cream. Tasted fine, too.

I worked on my blog. I listened to tapping audios. I made tea and we watched TV. Later, Chris went to bed. I stayed up to listen to the Day 8 tapping videos.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Suprise Fellowship hour


I got up after 8, thinking it was half an hour later. I brushed my teeth and got ready for the day. I listened to the rest of the menopause party. I mixed up a batch of seed crackers and put them in the oven. I put 7 eggs in the steamer. Later they went into an ice bath. I read e-mail and messages. I watered the plants and cleared the sink. I made fiber gel. I peeled the eggs from yesterday and today and put them in the pickling brine.

Chris got dressed for church and went to the church off post. I drank half the fiber gel and listened to a tapping audio on having a productive day till almost 12. Then I made and ate breakfast.

I got dressed for church. I put seed crackers in a container and took music etc to the chapel. Little Leilani invited me to come to their house after church. I didn't know if her mother knew about it, so I said I'd think about it. I asked Rick about helping out with statistics on Math Morning if that lady came back. He said yes.

I got out my trombone. I showed the penciled music to Keli and she said she could play it. We waited for Janet to arrive, then we sang our praise songs (which I had forgotten to listen to ahead of time). The chaplain spoke about thinking on things that were praiseworthy and of good repute, etc. Finally the band played their two hymns.

After the service, there were several announcements. The doctor is starting a home Bible study at his house at 5:30 on Sunday evenings. And the Popkens are having a fellowship at their house right after church.

I chatted here and there. I talked to John for some time, partly about statistics. We split up about 3. I went home and got Chris. Then we went over to the Popkens house. I sat with the women and snacked on fresh veggies while the men hung out around the grill. We visited and then ate the most delicious meats. About 4:30 we came home, and got ready for the game. I listened to a tapping audio as I worked on hemming the shirts. Eventually everybody signed into Discord. When John joined in, we were ready to start.

Our adventurers took the lad back to his family and collected the reward. Then we tracked down the girl. Traced her to a flock of thieves and followed them for two days till we caught up. Astrid decided to handle this herself. She offered 1000 gold pieces for the girl and they brought the girl out. The rest of us took the girl away. Astrid stayed and challenged the leader to a duel in a flirtatious way. She won. She and he went off for dinner and drinks. Once the leader was drunk and asleep, she killed him.

In the morning she came out of his tent with his head and threw it to the polar bear who ate it. Everyone screamed and ran off. Astrid made off with all the captive girls, treasure, and two wagons and the horses to pull them.

After the game, I finished hemming the sleeve. I started on my blog, but it got late. So I made tea and we watched an episode of Hamish McBeth. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to finish my blog post.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Ox tails and Project Night


We got up after 8. I took supplements and sat down to look at e-mail, then remembered my blog. So I finished the Thursday blog and posted it. Then I wrote up Friday and jotted notes for Saturday. I watched the tapping videos from last night. I drank half the fiber gel and made breakfast mix.

I made breakfast and started eating. MeryAnn texted that she wasn't feeling well. So I took her some activated charcoal. When I got back, I finished breakfast. I put felt, floss and templates together and went to chapel for sewing class.

I unlocked the chapel. I got set up. Jenni and the Clarks came. Some made the lettuce and chicken slice. Jenni made bread and jelly. Sophia finished a previous project. The Clarks went home and Jenni stayed to talk, then we left.

Chris and I went to the commissary for ox tails and pistachios. He started cooking them when we got back. I watched an online event called Menopause Party. They had speakers and gave away prizes, did makeovers.

I went through a box of lace looking for odds and ends to decorate large paper eggs for the library. I ate some oxtails for supper. Then I went back to the chapel for Project Night and Rhythm class.

I opened the chapel. Michele arrived with gridded wrapping paper to draw out some pattern pieces from a vintage pattern book. Sophia came and was very interested in it. Moira came to make friendship bracelets and her dad was working on scale mail. Sophia and I went into the sanctuary for Rhythm class. I had handouts. It went ok. Then we went back to the fellowship hall. I helped Michele. Jack came with two bicycle tires. He replaced the inner tubes.

People left around 9. Jenni and Michele stayed to help clean up. Then we all went home. I watched the latest tapping videos and portions of the menopause party. I went to bed very late, then got up again to post to my blog and went back to bed.

Math Morning statistics


I got up around 8. I took supplements and made fiber gel and drank C water. I filled a dark bottle with half of the water and got dressed. I took my two statistics book and went to the chapel for Math Morning.

I got there a little early. I unlocked both doors, turned on the lights and heat. Then I sat down to review a problem. What is the probability of getting at least on 6 on 4 rolls of a dice? I say its 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6. But no, the book says it is better to consider the opposite ( not getting a 6 4 times in a row) and subtract that from 1. So they did (5/6) raised to the 4th power and subtracted that from 1. They got a lower number than I did.

While I was pondering this, she came in with her laptop. Her question was simple – figuring the shaded area under a bell-shaped curve. Well, I knew the basics, but needed a multiplier since the boundary of the shaded area was between the mean and the 1st standard deviation. But I couldn't find it in either of my books. Then she discovered an ap that solved it for her. I asked if she could use that on the test and she said yes. So she left.

During this time, Saronna and Randy and their kids came. I checked over Moira's math and pointed out the one thing that she needed to understand to do all the problems. Then they started packing up and cleaning up the nursery which the younger kids had messed up. I locked up and we all went home.

I read e-mail and listened to the rest of Day 4 meditations. I also listened to presentations from the menopause summit. There are enough to last the whole day so I have to pick and choose which ones I think will be most helpful.

I made and ate breakfast. Chris had an impromptu meeting online. When he was done, we went to the commissary for food and brought it home. Then we went to Tooele. He said we had everything on the list so we went straight to Melanies. I looked for mustard oil but they didn't have it. So I got coconut milk and a chocolate bar. They said Macey's would have the oil. I went to Joanns for felt, then we went to Macey's. I did not find mustard oil there.

When we got back to base, I put the coconut oil away. Chris heated up some supper for me. I looked for mustard oil online. I found it at one of the places I have ordered supplements before, so I ordered some others as well and left it window open. I listened to more presentations and added to my order.

Around 8:15 I got ready for game night. I put some chocolates in a bag for Michelle. I filled a bottle with tea and put glycine and ashwagandha and magnesium in it. Then I went to her house. She wasn't there of course, but I gave the bag to her husband to give to her tomorrow. They go see her every weekend.

I played the Indian Jones game. Indy freed Sophia from the hole she had fallen into. He fixed the truck and they left the desert. A plane dropped them off in Crete. The two examined every rock in the area, then went to a new area to search ancient crumbling buildings. Finally he found a surveyors instrument and a mural. It took time to find the places to put the instrument to survey, but they were hidden under rocks. And he surveyed. But nothing was apparent.

At 10:55 I shut the game down. We said goodnight. I went home and found Chris was already in bed. I went through my bedtime routine and turned in.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Better dipped in chocolate


I woke up hearing Chris putter around but did not get up until after my alarm went off. I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I went to the kitchen to make fiber gel and to take supplements. I finished the second tapping meditation from yesterday.

At 8:30 I went to the chapel to unlock the door for Bible study. I turned off the light that was left on from the Catholic service last night. Janet and Ginger arrived. We chatted for awhile, then read through chapters 7 and 8 of Mark. We chatted some more, and went home.

I ate a little bit of pulled chicken. Then I put on presentations from the menopause summit. It was after 11 when someone posted that they wanted to get in to the swap shop. So I drank half of the fiber gel and walked to the post office. I unlocked the doors and picked up my mail. I walked home, picking up trash along the way. Then It was time to make breakfast. I got some frozen turmeric root and ginger root to put in my teapot and I made tea. I also made breakfast.

I put on The Highwire while I ate. I got out some green felt and made a piece of felt lettuce as I watched. When it was over, I got a text from Keli wanting the chapel door open at 3. So I drove over there to unlock it, then went to the swap shop to close it up.

When I got back, I photographed my piece of lettuce and made a posting for Facebook. I also posted for Math Morning. I jotted notes for my blog and checked my to-do list. I opened the box of magnetic sleeves. I was able to get a math flyer and a band flyer in one. I wiped the side of my car and stuck the sleeve on. I hope this one doesn't get stolen.

I folded a basket of laundry. It had been near a window so the clothes were cool. I wondered if they were slightly damp as well. I wrote out the tune and chords for When the Saints Go Marching In on a piece of staff paper for Keli - in pencil because I knew I would make some mistakes.

I melted a bag of chocolate chips and 2 bars on the stove. While it was heating, I mashed up bananas and mixed them with coconut flakes. I formed it into small balls on a waxed sheet. Then I stirred the melted chocolate and drizzled it over them with a spoon. I also dipped some large cashews in the chocolate. And there was still more. So I got out my chocolate molds and made hearts and stars. I couldn't get all the lumps out so I added some ghee and coconut oil to thin it. When the chocolate was gone, I sprinkled cinnamon over the banana/coconut ones.

Chris went to the cake auction by himself. I finished the chocolates and put them outside to harden. I had some pulled chicken and made a salad for supper. I listened to tapping audios from Day 4. I posted to my blog.

Chris came back from the auction with no cake. He had taken $50 but the bidding went up so fast that he didn't get to bid. Twice he tried to help a kid bid, but got outbid quickly. There were only 14 cakes this year.

When he was ready, we watched an episode of Hamish McBeth. Later he went to bed and I stayed up to read a statistics book because someone contacted me through Facbook asking if she could come to Math Morning for help with statistics.