Monday, March 3, 2025

Suprise Fellowship hour


I got up after 8, thinking it was half an hour later. I brushed my teeth and got ready for the day. I listened to the rest of the menopause party. I mixed up a batch of seed crackers and put them in the oven. I put 7 eggs in the steamer. Later they went into an ice bath. I read e-mail and messages. I watered the plants and cleared the sink. I made fiber gel. I peeled the eggs from yesterday and today and put them in the pickling brine.

Chris got dressed for church and went to the church off post. I drank half the fiber gel and listened to a tapping audio on having a productive day till almost 12. Then I made and ate breakfast.

I got dressed for church. I put seed crackers in a container and took music etc to the chapel. Little Leilani invited me to come to their house after church. I didn't know if her mother knew about it, so I said I'd think about it. I asked Rick about helping out with statistics on Math Morning if that lady came back. He said yes.

I got out my trombone. I showed the penciled music to Keli and she said she could play it. We waited for Janet to arrive, then we sang our praise songs (which I had forgotten to listen to ahead of time). The chaplain spoke about thinking on things that were praiseworthy and of good repute, etc. Finally the band played their two hymns.

After the service, there were several announcements. The doctor is starting a home Bible study at his house at 5:30 on Sunday evenings. And the Popkens are having a fellowship at their house right after church.

I chatted here and there. I talked to John for some time, partly about statistics. We split up about 3. I went home and got Chris. Then we went over to the Popkens house. I sat with the women and snacked on fresh veggies while the men hung out around the grill. We visited and then ate the most delicious meats. About 4:30 we came home, and got ready for the game. I listened to a tapping audio as I worked on hemming the shirts. Eventually everybody signed into Discord. When John joined in, we were ready to start.

Our adventurers took the lad back to his family and collected the reward. Then we tracked down the girl. Traced her to a flock of thieves and followed them for two days till we caught up. Astrid decided to handle this herself. She offered 1000 gold pieces for the girl and they brought the girl out. The rest of us took the girl away. Astrid stayed and challenged the leader to a duel in a flirtatious way. She won. She and he went off for dinner and drinks. Once the leader was drunk and asleep, she killed him.

In the morning she came out of his tent with his head and threw it to the polar bear who ate it. Everyone screamed and ran off. Astrid made off with all the captive girls, treasure, and two wagons and the horses to pull them.

After the game, I finished hemming the sleeve. I started on my blog, but it got late. So I made tea and we watched an episode of Hamish McBeth. Then Chris went to bed and I stayed up to finish my blog post.

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