I got up around 8. There was quite a bit of snow on the ground. As I was getting ready, Karen texted that she wasn't coming to Math Morning. So I posted that it was canceled. I read e-mail until after 10. I got out the test tube and spent some time coming up with 4ml of spit. Then I packaged it according to the directions. However, when I got to the shipping label, I couldn't find it. I looked everywhere (or so I thought).
I e-mailed my predicament to the company. I went back to reading e-mail for awhile. I made and ate breakfast. I called the company and they sent me a file to print out. I put it on my thumb drive and took it to the printer and printed it out. When I brought the printout back so I could cut it out, I found the original! Right by the scissors. I stuck it on the package and put it by my purse. We worked on the grocery list and got in the car.
We went to the commissary for whatever they had that we wanted. We took that food home as well as the mail from the post office. Then Chris texted Michele that we were on our way. We picked her up and went to Tooele, chatting all the way. So no Friday afternoon nap for me.
We shopped in Luckeys. When we got to the checkout, Chris handed me the list. I dropped off the UPS package, then went to Melanie's to get coconut flakes, magnesium spray, etc. When I was done, I walked out and looked for Chris' car. I finally found it all the way down at Cal Ranch. So I walked in and roamed the whole store, not finding them. I went out to double check that the car hadn't been moved. It hadn't.
I looked at the list and noticed that Michele had added 'grommets' to her list. So I walked to Joanns. And there they were, heading to the checkout line. No grommets, but with lengths of trim.
After checkout, we walked back to the car. I noted the cute chicks in Cal Ranch and Michele said she never noticed them. I wanted some and Chris said fine but not to bring them on post. Sigh. We went to Macey's and then Harbor Freight, then back to base. On the way back, we listened to the book on CD. I think Michele liked it.
We dropped her at home, then went to our house. After putting the food away, I opened the box to find supplements. I checked them off of the invoice, then put them away. Chris made supper and got ready for his game night. I read e-mail for awhile before making supper. I had some of the chicken and made a salad. Finally I worked on my blog, then looked at Indiana Jones hints.
I filled a bottle with tea and went to Michelle's house. Casey had the game up. We chatted and then I played the game. I found the moonstone and unlocked a secret door. Then I explored the labyrinth. I fielded a number of puzzles. But around 10:30 I could not find anywhere else to go and the entrance was blocked. So I shut the game down, thanked Casey, and went home.
Chris was still up. I looked up the hint I needed and then we went to bed.
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