Friday, March 7, 2025

Paint Night


I got up before 7:30 to listen to the last tapping audio. Then Bible Study got shifted to 9. I prepared a contract and got my cleaning stuff together. I looked at the hours needed to clean previous dorms and adjusted the price.

I went to the chapel for Bible study. We ladies talked for while before we started reading. I left at 10 and went home for warmer coat. Then I went to the apartment I signed for yesterday, carrying cleaning stuff up to the second floor. Sadly I had to go home for the key and lock box. I went back to the apartment and got the toilet and tub started soaking. I cleaned in the kitchen.

I went to a sign-over in the next building. She was happy with the lower price. She paid me and we signed the contract. I went back to clean until noon. Then I went home for breakfast and to watch The Highwire.

Highwire: bird flu was experimented on in USDA Southern Poultry Research Facility, so probably a lab leak. Culling flocks allowes it to stay around long enough to mutate and become more virulent. It also kills any chickens that might develop immunity. So every flock remains vulnerable.

I walked to the post office to get mail. There was a package too heavy for me to carry. So I walked home without it. I read a book and rested. Chris came home at three because the base closed for bad weather.

I drove to the post office to pick up the package, then to the apartment to clean for another 90 minutes. Then I walked over to the second apartment to get the tub and toilet started soaking. I brushed snow off my car and went home. Chris was already gone to the community club to watch a movie with Michele and John. I drank the remaining half of the fiber gel. I read messages, and watched video of slides from a company whistleblower showing the program for creating nanochips and having them suspended in fluid to be injectable.

I had a carrot salad for supper. I worked on my blog. I was exhausted, but got bundled up. I wiped snow off my car and went to a painting class. I sat with Jenni. We passed around paint. We were supposed to watch a painting video on Youtube and then paint our canvas. I watched on Jenni's phone, but she kept stopping it at each step. Eryne let me watch hers. Once I saw the whole thing, I got busy and painted. I had to watch the last part again, but was able to finish ok. Then I hung around while others finished and washed brushes. Then we all posed for a pic of our paintings.

I brushed the snow off of my car and went home. Chris was back from his movie. I read e-mail until he was ready, then I made tea and we watched the first episode of Hamish McBeth season 3. Not many episodes in a season.

Later Chris went to bed. I stayed up to watch an interview, then went to bed.

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