Sunday, March 2, 2025

Ox tails and Project Night


We got up after 8. I took supplements and sat down to look at e-mail, then remembered my blog. So I finished the Thursday blog and posted it. Then I wrote up Friday and jotted notes for Saturday. I watched the tapping videos from last night. I drank half the fiber gel and made breakfast mix.

I made breakfast and started eating. MeryAnn texted that she wasn't feeling well. So I took her some activated charcoal. When I got back, I finished breakfast. I put felt, floss and templates together and went to chapel for sewing class.

I unlocked the chapel. I got set up. Jenni and the Clarks came. Some made the lettuce and chicken slice. Jenni made bread and jelly. Sophia finished a previous project. The Clarks went home and Jenni stayed to talk, then we left.

Chris and I went to the commissary for ox tails and pistachios. He started cooking them when we got back. I watched an online event called Menopause Party. They had speakers and gave away prizes, did makeovers.

I went through a box of lace looking for odds and ends to decorate large paper eggs for the library. I ate some oxtails for supper. Then I went back to the chapel for Project Night and Rhythm class.

I opened the chapel. Michele arrived with gridded wrapping paper to draw out some pattern pieces from a vintage pattern book. Sophia came and was very interested in it. Moira came to make friendship bracelets and her dad was working on scale mail. Sophia and I went into the sanctuary for Rhythm class. I had handouts. It went ok. Then we went back to the fellowship hall. I helped Michele. Jack came with two bicycle tires. He replaced the inner tubes.

People left around 9. Jenni and Michele stayed to help clean up. Then we all went home. I watched the latest tapping videos and portions of the menopause party. I went to bed very late, then got up again to post to my blog and went back to bed.

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