Thursday, March 6, 2025

Ash Wednesday


I got up before 7:30. I got out the test kit and set it up. I heated water for coffee. I did my special exercises. I took the sample, and then finished coffee morning. I cleaned the bathrooms and started on the kitchen.

At 11:25, I stopped to make phone call to a medical intuitive. I had a ton of questions to ask. Afterward, I wrote up my notes and sent them to my practitioner. I washed dishes, then sprinkled Ajax in the sink and mopped the floor.

I took a shower, then laid down for a bit. I got up and got dressed. I checked phone messages and e-mail. I got test kit ready for mail and entered the info on their website. I had two ink cartridges ready for the mail. I filled out a contract, and went to a signover at the dorms.

When I got home, I ate a few seed crackers. The rain had stopped, so I walked to the post office to mail the stuff. I chatted with the clerk and walked home.

I read Telegram messages and listened to the remaining tapping video. I read other messages. Chris came home from work. After a few minutes, we took the empty water jugs to the car. We went to the chapel to get ashes on our foreheads and stayed to talk to the chaplain and his religious affairs specialist. Then we went to the post office to the water machine to fill the jugs. As we were chatting, he said the swap shop wasn't closing, just moving to the Connex during renovation. Blew me away.

When we got home, I texted that info to the people most involved with the swap shop. Michele called Chris, apparently just to chat. I worked on my blog post. When he hung up with Michele, I made tea and we watched one episode of Hamish McBeth. Later he went to bed, but I stayed up to watch the next round of tapping videos.

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