Saturday, March 1, 2025

Better dipped in chocolate


I woke up hearing Chris putter around but did not get up until after my alarm went off. I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I went to the kitchen to make fiber gel and to take supplements. I finished the second tapping meditation from yesterday.

At 8:30 I went to the chapel to unlock the door for Bible study. I turned off the light that was left on from the Catholic service last night. Janet and Ginger arrived. We chatted for awhile, then read through chapters 7 and 8 of Mark. We chatted some more, and went home.

I ate a little bit of pulled chicken. Then I put on presentations from the menopause summit. It was after 11 when someone posted that they wanted to get in to the swap shop. So I drank half of the fiber gel and walked to the post office. I unlocked the doors and picked up my mail. I walked home, picking up trash along the way. Then It was time to make breakfast. I got some frozen turmeric root and ginger root to put in my teapot and I made tea. I also made breakfast.

I put on The Highwire while I ate. I got out some green felt and made a piece of felt lettuce as I watched. When it was over, I got a text from Keli wanting the chapel door open at 3. So I drove over there to unlock it, then went to the swap shop to close it up.

When I got back, I photographed my piece of lettuce and made a posting for Facebook. I also posted for Math Morning. I jotted notes for my blog and checked my to-do list. I opened the box of magnetic sleeves. I was able to get a math flyer and a band flyer in one. I wiped the side of my car and stuck the sleeve on. I hope this one doesn't get stolen.

I folded a basket of laundry. It had been near a window so the clothes were cool. I wondered if they were slightly damp as well. I wrote out the tune and chords for When the Saints Go Marching In on a piece of staff paper for Keli - in pencil because I knew I would make some mistakes.

I melted a bag of chocolate chips and 2 bars on the stove. While it was heating, I mashed up bananas and mixed them with coconut flakes. I formed it into small balls on a waxed sheet. Then I stirred the melted chocolate and drizzled it over them with a spoon. I also dipped some large cashews in the chocolate. And there was still more. So I got out my chocolate molds and made hearts and stars. I couldn't get all the lumps out so I added some ghee and coconut oil to thin it. When the chocolate was gone, I sprinkled cinnamon over the banana/coconut ones.

Chris went to the cake auction by himself. I finished the chocolates and put them outside to harden. I had some pulled chicken and made a salad for supper. I listened to tapping audios from Day 4. I posted to my blog.

Chris came back from the auction with no cake. He had taken $50 but the bidding went up so fast that he didn't get to bid. Twice he tried to help a kid bid, but got outbid quickly. There were only 14 cakes this year.

When he was ready, we watched an episode of Hamish McBeth. Later he went to bed and I stayed up to read a statistics book because someone contacted me through Facbook asking if she could come to Math Morning for help with statistics.

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