Friday, September 20, 2024

Helping the new guy


I got up after 8.  I walked out on the back porch, but it was cold.  I heard milling the trucks working on the road behind our house.  I read e-mail for awhile.

I went out to water plants and dig up gopher mounds.  I washed the dirt back down the holes, all the while watching the milling trucks go up and down my street.  I went in to eat watermelon and read some more.  Then I put on The Highwire and made breakfast. I ate it while watching. Del interviewed Sheryl Attkinson.  I laid out in the sun for a while. 

 A man called wanting to get into the swap shop. I wasn't sure I could drive out because of the big trucks, so I walked down there. He was waiting for me. I unlocked the doors and he went in and looked. He found a blow-up mattress and some silverware. He wanted a microwave but all we had was a toaster oven. So I told him to go to the Loan Closet. He didn't know where ACS was so I got in his car and instructed him on how to get there. I took him to Emily's office and told her what he needed. He asked about a washer and dryer too, so I told him I might know of a set. 

 I went to the library and gave them a large nine-patch block to put on their wall. They showed me the sewing machines they had set out in case someone might want to use one. Then we talked for awhile.

Finally I walked home with my post office packages. I finished watching The Highwire.  I called Housing to see if the washer and dryer from that house were available, then I texted him.

Then Michelle wanted to go walking. So I walked to the parking lot in back of the park to meet her. We walked quite a ways from there. We met the new head of Housing who was out walking too. Then we walked back to her car. The trucks had parked for the day. She took me to her house to pick up goat milk. But we sat and talked for some time. Then she took me home.

I heated up the last of the ribs and some rice for supper. I worked on my blog and read messages. There was no time for mowing. Chris came home from Tooele and had stopped at the Community Club for his weekly pizza. I read more messages.

I made tea and practiced Oktoberfest music until Chris was ready. Then we watched two episodes of WTR. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to read.

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