Sunday, September 1, 2024

Salad Master event


We got up late. It was too cold to go barefoot outside so I skipped watering. I read e-mail and messages. I finished cutting the batting for the two ladies that asked to do the casserole carrier project. Chris gave me a massage. We took our showers. I posted for Project Night. Faye and I talked about funeral flowers and finally made our choices.

I made and ate breakfast, listening to something. Then I collected my stuff for sewing class and project night. I went to the chapel and started setting up. Jenni came in and helped me. I was astounded that she was early. She brought her flag and sewed it on a shirt. No one else came.

At 3 she said she had to meet people at the swap shop and she left. I started putting together leftovers from a quilt long ago. Chris called to ask where Jenni was. So I called, over and over, but she didn't answer. Since no one was there, I drove to the swap shop to find her. She wasn't there, but I saw stuff someone left by the door so I unlocked the door and shoved it in. After I got back to the chapel, Chris called to say Jenni was delayed by the front gate.

I went on sewing until 4, then I went over to the ACS building. Chris was there talking to the Salad Master people. Jenni had invited them to come and do their thing, which is to demonstrate how it works and the cookware they use, and then we all eat a meal together. Chris had apparently explained to them that they can't sell on base so the whole thing was low-key. Saronna came with her kids and they let the kids take turns cranking the Salad Master. Jenni and I were impressed by how quickly it shredded up the vegetables. I asked if it would cut up an egg for egg salad and the lady said yes. I would have liked to see that.

So when the dishes were done, they set them out and we filled our plates. I was able to read some of the ingredient lists when they weren't looking. I skipped the noodle dish with MSG in the flavoring packet. The food tasted ok. I didn't think the shredded mashed potatoes were quite done. Their point was they cooked it without water, but then it didn't mash completely. Chris didn't like the fruit salad. The chicken was ok, but without oil or butter, it was blander.

After the meal, while two were cleaning up, the third boiled baking soda water in three pans. Later he gave us a few drops of each to taste, to prove the metal content of the pan affects the taste. Well, the first pan was the Salad Master pan. It was pretty bland except for a slight baking soda taste. The second was a traditional stainless steel pan. It tasted more metallic. Then Chris called me, asking where a tool was. So I missed the third pan, which was coated in Teflon. Had they offered me the water from that, I might have said something not nice.

We talked to them as they finished packing. Jenni took some leftovers and so did Chris. We went home. I thought to have a few minutes to myself until Project Night started, but Jenni called Chris and told him she was at the chapel. So I had to go over and unlock it.

She wanted to make the casserole carrier, and since the ladies who requested it did not come, I gave her those materials. MeryAnn came and cut bands for making scrunchies. I worked on my leftovers, creating more blocks, possibly enough for a table runner.

Michelle stopped by to get the swap shop keys so she could get a dress for Sophia. She came back with Sophia and Isadora and a dress that needed altering. Sigh. She pinned up the a-line hem and I sewed it, thinking this will never work. And in my estimation it didn't, but she liked the way it hung. So ok.

They went home and Jenni and MeryAnn helped me pack up and carry stuff to my car. We talked for a bit, then headed to our homes. Chris and I watched one episode of WTR, then we dressed the bed with clean sheets. I read on my laptop and he read in bed. Then we turned the lights out and he slept.

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