Sunday, September 15, 2024

The Air Force Ball


I got up after 8, having slept pretty well. I tried on the dress for tonight and saw that it fit. I tried on the necklace I bought last year, but it was too showy for the dress. I got ready for the day. It was pretty cool out, so I got on my laptop for a while. Then I went out to water the plants and flush gopher mounds. I found a gopher in one of the traps. I reset the trap in a different hole.

When I came in, I asked Chris for a massage. I read e-mail until he was ready. Then he gave me the massage. Afterward he took his shower, and I went to the kitchen to get breakfast started. I ate as I read messages. Then I took my shower and dressed for the party. I saw I needed a half slip so I searched one out and ironed it. I looked to see what other long dresses I had and found Chris' tux shirt and accessories. The shirt needed ironing. Sigh.   So I ironed. He got dressed and I re-dressed. I pulled out some black earrings and put on panty hose. That is a tricky subject for my back and sadly, I had to try on three pairs till I found one in good enough condition. Then I had to do makeup. I was not happy with it.

I pulled out a small black purse and Chris drove us to the Clegg's house. Michelle said I looked fine. So we got in their car and Casey drove us to the Airforce Museum where the Air Force Birthday ball was taking place. We chatted all the way.

When we got there, we parked close to the building. We found our way inside and used the restrooms. We were right on time at 5 signing in. There were planes everywhere. Chris and I found our assigned table, 15. The Cleggs had to sit at an unassigned table. Hardly anyone was there and the servers were still setting up. So Michelle and I wandered around. We found a photo set and used their props to pose. Then more walking around as the place filled up. I found Chris and suggested we should introduce ourselves to people and strike up conversations. We met half a dozen professors that way.

At 6 everyone was invited to find their seats. The program began: opening remarks, prayer, etc. Then the tables were told which buffet line to get in. There were 4. Ours was #2, along with a lot of other people. But we didn't know where it was. Till we found it, there was a very long line. We talked to an older gentleman as we waited and slowly moved up. My shoes were killing my feet. When we got to the front, we had small potatoes, baked veggies, chicken patties and fish. I thought there was more so I just took a little of each, skipping the chicken because it was white meat and there was only one left.

Just after we sat down to eat, the MC's heralded the cake cutting ceremony. I finished the salad that had been delivered while we were up. Then I ate my small meal. Then Chris gave me his fish because he didn't like it. I also ate the roll and part of the cheesecake. Chris finished my cheesecake and ate his own. Then the ceremony continued as the guest speaker gave his talk. That turned out to be the gentleman we were talking to in line. It was a very good speech.

Afterward, people started leaving. We stood and watched. I was hoping to see a particular lady wearing a blue dress. But I didn't. I saw the band members leave and I gave a thumbs' up to the trombone player. A DJ started playing awful music with a beat. Michelle recognized it as UJAM type stuff. So she and I went over there to dance. I didn't like it, but thought the song would change. But if it did, it didn't change much. I gave up after while and we went back to our husbands. They were talking to another couple. So we conversed with them for a bit, then we all headed out to the parking lot, walking around the old planes.

Finally, we were in the car and heading back to Dugway. It took almost 2 hours. My feet hurt so much that I took my shoes off. Casey took us to their house, and we picked up Chris' car. Casey followed us back to our house. I found a wrist brace and gave it to Casey for Isadora. Then he left. Chris and I changed clothes and dressed the bed in clean sheets. He went to bed, but I stayed up to work on my blog.

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