Thursday, September 12, 2024

Unexpected small cleaning job


I got up around 7:30. I got dressed and went out to water the plants. I took out two gopher mounds and reset the traps. I came in to start Coffee Morning: coffee, exercises, drybrushing, oil pulling, meditation, etc. Afterward, I cleaned the bathrooms and kitchen. I washed dishes and mopped the floor.

I started vacuuming and Chris came home. I helped him look for his tux shirt, cumberbund and bow tie. We did not find it. He ate some leftovers and went back to work. I finished vacuuming. I washed my footies.

My phone rang. Collie was asking what I would charge to clean the bottom of an oven. Estimating an hour of work, I said $25. He relayed that to the occupant as $30 and promised to call back. So in 5 minutes he did. He gave me the address of the apartment. I threw together some cleaning supplies and went over. He showed me the oven which was much better than I expected. He gave me the $40 that the occupant gave him. I promised him an hour of work, even if I had to find other things to do. He left. I filled a small bucket with hot water and threw in some ammonia. I put it in the oven along with some burner bowls and the hood filters to soak.

I went by the swap shop to see if there were any tux shirts there. I didn't find any. Just then I realized I had forgotten the Don't Block the Door signs. Sigh. I went home. I checked messages and didn't have any. I read e-mail and jotted notes for my blog.

I put on a podcast so I could listen while I used a hole-punch on all the hymns that have been scanned and printed so far. I read the directions that came with my slide. I e-mailed the company, then swabbed the slide and oiled it. I played a little before putting it up.

I read messages. Chris came home for a short while, then went to the chapel for mass. When he came home, I was still reading messages. I went out to mow here and there where the grass was the longest. It got dark so I came in, and drank lots of water. I listened to a health podcast. I worked on my blog.

I made tea, and we had a long discussion. Then we watched the last but extra long episode of Walker Texas Ranger. Chris went to bed and I stayed up to finish posting to my blog.

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