Sunday, September 22, 2024

Making cheese


I got up around 7:30. It was cold outside. I got dressed and read e-mail and checked messages. I fixed a bottle of water, then went to the chapel for Math Morning. Saronna came with her kids. I texted Casey and then he came over. I worked mostly with Wilhelm. His mother had him do a row of problems, then run around the outside of the church, then do the next row. She had read that boys need to be run to exhaustion every day so they are better able to behave. It seemed to work.

At 10 they packed up to go. I texted Marcus that I was on my way to the swap shop. He met me there and I let him in. He picked up a bunch more stuff. He needed a dog bed so I called Jamie and she said she had several he could choose from. He also needed a hose, so I suggested he follow me home, which he did. I had to go way out of my way to get there because of the large paving trucks blocking all the streets. We arrived at my house and I pulled a hose from the shed. I asked if he could find his way back and he said yes, then he left.

I watered all my plants with diluted citrus peel water. I took out some gopher mounds. Then I started tea and heated half a gallon of goat milk on the stove. When it reached 100, I moved it to the dehydrator and put probiotics in. I put the other half gallon in the pot. I made and ate breakfast. I finished making the vinegar cheese for Michelle. I make a grocery list. We went to the Commissary for what groceries we could get there. We put that food away. I put rennet in the milk in the dehydrator. Then we went to Tooele and shopped in the usual three places.

When we got back, I took the cheese out of the dehydrator and drained the whey. Then I put on my bathing suit. I went to garden to water and fertilize and then to the pool to meet Jenni. We swam and talked for an hour. Then a lady told us the sauna was still hot, so we went and sat in there and talked.

I went home for supper. Chris' game got canceled. I ate and worked on my blog. I reviewed the URU videos to catch up on where I was in the game. I forgot the tea, but took the cheese I made for Michelle and went to her house. Casey brought the game up and I played as we talked. There were a few inappropriate jokes. He played a clip of South Park that was pretty funny.

I kept playing the game and it kept freezing. I don't know why because it worked fine last week. However, he put a cable on a sensor of some kind and then it was mostly fine. I worked on all the fronts I had taken notes on, except one. All too soon it was 11pm and I shut down the game, thanked them, and went home. Chris was still up, so we went to bed at roughly the same time. It took me longer because I had to treat a blister on my little toe.

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