Monday, September 9, 2024

Vacation ends


I slept much better. Chris got up to turn down the AC. We got up around 8. I went to the washroom to clean up and brush my teeth. I talked to Casey who was frying bacon and the left over potatoes. Chris and Michelle came out to join the conversation. I went to get dressed and post to my blog. Chris came and said I should get some eggs before they are gone. He gave me his plate and fork. I got some eggs and fried potatoes. They were good, cooked in bacon grease.

Then I filled the large pot with hot water from the bathroom. Casey had soap so I washed dishes and utensils. I scrubbed the cast iron grills too, but after they were dry, I could see they weren't quite clean. Then Chris helped me fold up the tables.

We got everything packed between our two vehicles. Michelle had gotten the beef tongue from their freezer and put it in her cooler. Then we got in our cars and headed to the cool springs. Chris parked a bit away while Casey dropped off his wife and kids at the spring and came back for us. There was a spot of soft dirt that Chris was not willing to drive through.

When we got there, Michelle was standing in the pool with her phone in two ziplock bags. She said some guys were in the small cave already and she was waiting for them to come out. I went walking along a path to see where the water was flowing from. Actually I never got to the mouth, but additional water was flowing in from multiple places along the mountain. Lots of poison ivy was growing there so I wasn't too inquisitive. When I got back, Chris and the dog were gone. So I went looking and found them. When we got back to the pool, Michelle had her video. Casey drove us back to our car and then picked them up.

We all headed back to Dugway, stopping in Delta for gas and restrooms. Chris had me call his father so we could wish him a happy 85th birthday. He sounded good. It was after 3 when we got back to the base. It was a little sad that our adventure was over. We went to the Clegg's house and waited for them. (I didn't see their text that they had to make another pit stop.) Then we gave them their stuff that was in our car and we got our stuff from the cooler. And we went home.

We unpacked our car. Chris took a shower and I cleaned the dust off of my shoes. I read some e-mail while having a drink. Then I unpacked my suitcase and he started laundry. I was so tired that I laid down, but sleep wouldn't come. So I got up and went out to water the plants. They looked thirsty. I also destroyed gopher mounds. The GopherHawk had a gopher in it. I emptied it and reset it.

Chris put up his car windows so it wouldn't rain. I went to water the garden so it would rain. I picked corn, beans, peas, and a hot pepper. It didn't rain so I guess rolling up windows is the stronger magic. I offered the beans to Chris but he wasn't in the mood.

I checked e-mail and messages. One of the ladies who signed up to be a house cleaner texted me with some questions. I gave her answers and advice. I picked some greens from the tower garden and made a salad with leftovers in the fridge. Michelle sent me more pics from the camp and cool springs. She said she would come over later to deliver the seed crackers.

I made tea and we watched two episodes of WTR. Michelle dropped by with containers and seed crackers. We finished watching. Chris went to bed. I got ready for bed and jotted notes for my blog. I watched several URU videos to catch up to my current progress on three fronts. Then I shut down the computer and went to bed.

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